Adeshola Adeleke


My interest in marketing,
has always been driven by a desire to understand theoretical concepts and apply them in real-world scenarios. A significant factor in my decision to pursue a master's degree in Marketing at Oxford Brookes was the university's work placement program. This invaluable opportunity allows me to apply the theoretical knowledge gained during my course to actual business challenges, thereby bridging the gap between academia and industry. 

With a personal goal of working with major corporations in London.
I applied to companies like P&G, Diageo, Heineken, BAT, and Amazon. I prepared extensively for interviews by practicing common marketing questions, studying the company's leadership principles and values, and using the S.T.A.R. framework to demonstrate my experiences. I also leveraged my professional network for advice and insights on application processes, which helped me understand what these corporations look for in candidates and how to stand out; I then let God do the rest.

The support available at OBU has been crucial to my success.
My academic advisor, Jo Feehily, provided professional and practical guidance, and my placement tutor, Charl Sevel, offered regular check-ins to discuss progress and challenges. Courses like Professional and Academic Development (PAD), Customer Insight and Engagement, Digital Marketing and Analytics, Understanding Consumer Behaviour, and Sustainable Global Marketing Strategy helped me understand and solve real-world marketing problems.

Supporting my team in strategic marketing campaigns for Amazon Fashion,
I help to drive new customer acquisition campaigns through Amazon display advertising and paid social ad channels. I work with multiple stakeholders to launch experiments that drive customer awareness and adoption. My daily tasks involve coordinating campaign inputs from stakeholders, briefing the ad ops team, and managing any issues that arise during campaign creation.

I also prepare the weekly business review (WBR) performance update for paid social media by analyzing live campaigns against efficiency targets. By diving deep into campaign metrics, I help ensure our campaigns meet these set efficiency thresholds.

Building solid relationships with colleagues has been a key aspect of my placement  at Amazon,
significantly contributing to my professional and personal growth and the overall success of our marketing projects. From the outset, I've been part of a dynamic, inclusive, and supportive marketing team. We collaborate closely on various projects, valuing everyone's ideas and contributions. Informal mentorship from senior team members has also been invaluable, allowing me to share my skills and perspectives while learning from their expertise. Cross-functional interactions with colleagues from other departments have given me a broader perspective on the interconnected aspects of the business. Social interactions, such as team lunches and company events, have also helped me connect with colleagues on a personal level.

Amazon's fast-paced environment initially challenged my abilities despite my prior marketing experience. The high expectations and new terrain in terms of country, market, and industry were particularly challenging. However, with guidance from my mentor, manager, and colleagues, I gradually adapted to the pace and demands of my role. Small successes, like drafting compelling ad copies and analyzing campaign performance data, bolstered my confidence and reaffirmed my decision to pursue a career in marketing.

I thoroughly enjoy my marketing placement at Amazon. 
Working on diverse and dynamic marketing projects keeps the work exciting and engaging. This placement has been an incredible learning experience, significantly enhancing my practical skills with cutting-edge marketing tools and strategies. It has broadened my professional horizons and helped me grow personally, making me more confident in my abilities and improving my problem-solving skills.

Overall, this placement has been an adventure and a dream come true. I am forever grateful to God, my family, Oxford Brookes University, and Amazon for this opportunity.