Abi Rickard

Liberal Arts

I didn’t want a course that felt too narrow

What I loved about A-levels was that there were so many different things you could learn about and celebrate. I wanted the same amount of creative freedom and expression in my university degree. Liberal Arts to me felt like an extension of that. Everything on offer on this course is interesting, without it forcing you to have to pick something and limit yourself down into one subject area. It was the variety of the course more than anything, as it allows you to feel prepared for a variety of different jobs after you graduate.

There's been a lot of support from the tutors.

Everyone's been incredible thus far because we're quite a small course. There's quite a lot of opportunities to get to know, especially the tutors who are more involved with the shape and structure of the course, and have been really active in speaking to us and making sure everything's okay. The head of the course has set up a biweekly coffee meeting for everyone on the course where we sit and chat and it doesn't have to be course related. When I applied, I didn't realise that it was the first year it's ever run.

I was expecting it to be quite a big course                                                                                                                         

But being a smaller cohort has actually been really beneficial because you get to know all your peers so well, you have plenty of support, and it's less overwhelming. Also, looking ahead to longer and more important assignments, such as my dissertation, I know that I will have all the support networks necessary for me to achieve the best results. Some of our lectures and modules are shared with other courses, so that’s a great way of meeting other students. We did a Politics module recently, and being amongst people that were so politically minded was really eye-opening.

Long term future plans change every week                                                                                                                        

But at the moment, the course has really highlighted my passion for a move into publishing or media of some sort, but I mean, they change every now and then. There's just such a wealth of options and avenues to go down and you don't want to commit yourself before you find your calling.