Duncan Lee

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Further details

Since leaving Brookes I have continued to grow my music education business. While studying music at Brookes I started my music education business as a sole trader one-man band under the name of Dunx Drum School. When my brother moved nearby together we formed XYZ Music Academy LTD. We now run a team of twelve staff teaching across thirteen schools and two private teaching locations in Buckinghamshire. Alongside this we run a state of the art recording studio and rehearsal room facility where we record artists incorporating our wide ranging musical knowledge to session on any project that comes in. Our long term goal is to launch our recently recorded curriculum via our subscription based website. We aim to utilise our current status on YouTube with over 7,000 subscribers and over 3 million views. This will be the next stage for our business and help to grow our presence throughout Buckinghamshire and into surrounding counties, and hopefully countries!

One thing that I picked up from Brookes in particular, was how to stay pro-active around your modules while making the course work for your long term plans. For example, my professional practice module was spent developing a part to my drum tuition curriculum. I use this in my everyday teaching and it keeps my students focused on long term goals.

Always try to see past your degree and appreciate the time you have, immerse yourself in the subject and a way of life which you can maintain, providing you have the right plan.