Wakefield L Morys-Carter


Senior Psychology Demonstrator

School of Psychology, Social Work and Public Health

Wakefield L Morys-Carter


I teach research methods, statistics and the use of computer software in Psychology and support staff and student research design and analysis. 

Teaching and supervision

Modules taught

  • U24111 - An Introduction to Psychological Research
  • U24109 - Psychology and Comtemporary Issues (poster presentation support)
  • U24137 - Advanced Statistics and Experimental Method for Psychology
  • U24120 - Questionnaire Design for Psychology
  • U24199 - Psychology Project
  • P24111 - Experimental Method and Statistics for Psychology
  • P24118 - Research Based Dissertation

The demonstrator team runs the workshop/practical elements of the first year research methods module and the second year experimental method module.


I primarily research aspects of cognitive bias and prejudice via supervising second year experiments in addition to the learning and teaching of research methods in psychology.

Research grants and awards

  • 2014 Oxford Brookes Team Teaching Fellowship Award Vertical Enhancement of Statistics and Psychology Research, awarded jointly to Carter, W., Davies, E.L. and Paltoglou, A.E.
  • 2014 Shortlisted in the non-academic staff member category for Brookes Union Teaching Award
  • 2009 Joint winner of the Higher Education Academy Psychology Network Technician award.


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Professional information

Memberships of professional bodies


  • Morys-Carter, W.L. (2017). Online experiments in PsychoPy and PsychoPy workshop. Association of Technical Staff in Psychology Annual Conference, University College Dublin, June 28-30, 2017.
  • Morys-Carter, W.L. (2016). Learning Analytics. Can we? Should we? Association of Technical Staff in Psychology Annual Conference, Birmingham City University, June 29-July 1, 2016.
  • Morys-Carter, W.L. (2015). Vertical Enhancement of Statistics and Psychology Research. Association of Technical Staff in Psychology Annual Conference, Staffordshire University, June 24-26, 2015.
  • Carter, W.L. (2014). Demonstration: PsychoPy. Association of Technical Staff in Psychology Annual Conference, Edinburgh Napier University, June 25-27, 2014.
  • Carter, W.L. (2013). Demonstration: Cognitive Psychology Experiments in MATLAB. Association of Technical Staff in Psychology Annual Conference, Trinity College Dublin, July 3-5, 2013.
  • Carter, W.L. (2012). Questionnaires in Google forms. Association of Technical Staff in Psychology Annual Conference, Plymouth University, July 4-6, 2012.
  • Carter, W.L. (2011). PHP and MySQL. Association of Technical Staff in Psychology Annual Conference, Oxford Brookes University, July 6-8, 2011.
  • Carter, W.L. (2011). Enthusing prospective students about psychology. Association of Technical Staff in Psychology Annual Conference, Oxford Brookes University, July 6-8, 2011.
  • MacLean, M., Moore, B. and Carter, W. (2000). Children’s use of mental state terms. B.P.S. Developmental Section Annual Conference, Bristol, September 14-17 2000.

Further details

Areas of expertise

I am the brand administrator for Qualtrics and an expert in SPSS and PsychoPy, as well as being able to use PHP/MySQL, MATLAB and Superlab. I also support the use of Moodle within the department.

I run Games Café (Oxford), a board game meet-up group which focuses on Euro-style strategy games.

I collect original comic artwork from 2000 AD and other publications featuring Judge Dredd or Dan Dare.

I am a reenactor, currently the musket block commander of Sir Gilbert Hoghton's Companie of Foote in The Sealed Knot and a corporal in 4th (Kings Own) Regiment of Foot in the Napoleonic Association.

Further information