Dr Stuart Whigham

Senior Lecturer in Sport, Coaching and Physical Education

Department of Sport, Health Sciences and Social Work


Stuart's teaching interests link to both his academic specialisms in the field of the sociology and politics of sport, and his professional experiences in physical education. He currently teaches across a range of modules on the Sport, Coaching and Physical Education degree programme, with his main teaching and module leadership responsiblities focused on our modules linked to the field of the sociology of sport.

Teaching and supervision


Modules taught

  • SPOR4004 An Introduction to the Sociology of Sport
  • SPOR5001 Global and Cultural Studies in Sport
  • SPOR5011 Research Methods for Sport and Health Sciences
  • SPOR6002 Advanced Social Theory in Sport, Coaching and Physical Education
  • SPOR6008 Project / Dissertation


I welcome enquiries from prospective postgraduate research students with interests within the field of the sociology and politics of sport, for consideration for the Faculty of Health and Life Science's MA/MSc by Research and MPhil/PhD research degree programmes.

MA by Research - Current Students:

  • Aafreen Zamaan - 'Examining the culture of British South Asians and its impacts on sports participation'
  • Michal Drobny - 'Identifying hegemonic masculinity in youth ice hockey programmes and investigating its effects on male players conduct on and off the ice'

MPhil/PhD - Current Students:

  • Bonita Lunn - 'Antisemitism in British football: examining good practice in anti-discrimination educational initiatives' 
  • Josh Rowan - 'Being, becoming and embodying strength: the anthropology of sport, cultural creation of strength and its relationship to holistic health'
  • Fiyory Ghezae - 'Nonlinear pedagogy to support children in play and physical activity'
  • Foivos Papastaikoudis - 'Challenge and trauma on the talent development pathway'

MA by Research - Past Students:

  • Milly Laffey - 'Contemporary perceptions of femininity and masculinity and how these influence female athletes’ actions and behaviours'
  • Rory Phibbs - 'Modern masculinities, male hockey players and their perceptions of female coaches'
  • Harry Spinks - 'You can’t sit with us: habitus, capital, and socio-economic background in the established status of university sports'
  • Tom Pill - 'Do women get the same opportunities in horse racing as men? A Bourdieusian study'
  • Evie Kite - 'How expectations of masculinity affects young men in sport and physical activity'
  • Hattie Little - 'Why do Channel Four and the British Broadcasting Company portray disability and disability sport differently? A media content and production analysis'
  • Jess Young - 'Investigating media narratives of bisexual people in sport settings'


Stuart's research interests revolve around the sociology and politics of sport, with a particular interest in the study of national identity, nationalism and sport; the politics of sport and sporting events; the politics of the Commonwealth Games; the sociology and politics of Scottish sport; and, sport and the Scottish diaspora.

Stuart is a Co-Lead of the Sport, Exercise and Physical Activity Research Group (SEPARG) at Oxford Brookes University.

Stuart also acts as an Associate Editor for the Sport in Society journal.

Centres and institutes



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Professional information

Memberships of professional bodies

  • Fellow of Higher Education Academy