Sarah Rogers

Lecturer in Marketing

Oxford Brookes Business School


Marketing, Digital Marketing and Client Projects

Teaching and supervision

Modules taught

BA (Hons) Customer and Market Insights;
BA (Hons) Applied Marketing Consultancy;
MSc Digital markeeting for Social Change;
MSc Understanding Consumer Behaviour


MSc Client Project and Dissertation


Research focus is on the value arts and culture has on our communities.

Research impact

When thinking about the impact of arts and culture on cities and urban life, my practioner work and research questions the impact of major cultural, heritage and church buildings in urban regeneration, and the subsequent emergence of vibrant creative and cultural quarters. Also significant are the effects of small scale cultural assets - artist studios, live-music venues, small galleries, etc - in supporting healthier and more balanced communities.

Professional information

Memberships of professional bodies



Active Marketing and Busines Development Consultant for arts, cultural and heritage organisations, SME's and start-ups