Dr Patrick O'Brien

LLB (Dub), BCL (Oxon), DPhil (Oxon)

Senior Lecturer in Law

School of Law and Social Sciences

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Dr Patrick O'Brien is a public lawyer with research interests in judicial studies, law and democracy, and constitutional theory. He completed his DPhil on judicial review and democracy at St. John's College Oxford and held posts at University College London and the London School of Economics prior to appointment at Oxford Brookes in 2017. He is an honorary research associate at The Constitution Unit, UCL.

Patrick is the co-author of The Politics of Judicial Independence in the UK's Changing Constitution (CUP 2015) and the co-editor of Leading Works in Public Law (Routledge, forthcoming 2021). He has appeared before committees of the UK Parliament to give evidence on the judicial role and judicial appointments.


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