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Journal articles
Baiche B, Osmani M, Walliman N, Ogden R, Earth construction between tradition and modernity: Case studies on Algeria
Construction Materials 170 (1) (2017) pp.16-28 ISSN: 1747-650X eISSN: 1747-6518 Earth construction between tradition and modernity: Case studies on Algeria Open Access version on RADAR -
Escarameia M, Walliman N, Zevenbergen C, de Graaf R, Methods of assessing flood resilience of critical buildings
Water Management 169 (2) (2015) pp.57-64 ISSN: 1741-7589 eISSN: 1751-7729 Methods of assessing flood resilience of critical buildings Open Access version on RADAR -
Correia M, Walliman N, Defining criteria for intervention in earthen-built heritage conservation
International Journal of Architectural Heritage: Conservation, Analysis and Restoration 8 (4) (2014) pp.581-601 ISSN: 1558-3058 -
Wang X, Kendrick C, Ogden R, Walliman N, Baiche B, A Case Study on Energy Consumption and Overheating for a UK Industrial Building with Rooflights
Applied Energy 104 (2013) pp.149-158 ISSN: 0306-2619 eISSN: 1872-9118 -
Walliman N, Baiche B, Ogden R, Tagg A, Escarameia M, Estimation of repair costs of individual non-domestic buildings damaged by floods
International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering 3 (4) (2013) pp.289-305 ISSN: 2041-9031 -
Walliman N, Ogden R, Baiche B, Tagg A, Escarameia M, Development of a tool to estimate individual building vulnerability to floods
WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 155 (2012) ISSN: 1746-448X eISSN: 1743-3541 ISBN: 9781845645786 -
Ogden, R, Kendrick C, Peacock G, Walliman N, Metal Roofing on Residential Buildings in Europe: A Dynamic Thermal Simulation Study
IUP Journal of Science and Technology 8 (1) (2012) pp.23-38 -
Kendrick C, Ogden R, Wang, Walliman N, Northlights or in-plane rooflights: Thermal energy comparison
Energy 165 (3) (2012) pp.117-156 ISSN: 1751-4223 eISSN: 1751-4231 -
Wang X, Kendrick C, Ogden R, Baiche B, Walliman N, Thermal modelling of an industrial building with solar reflective coatings on external surfaces: case studies in China and Australia
Journal of Building Performance Simulation 5 (3) (2012) pp.199-207 ISSN: 1940-1493 eISSN: 1940-1507 -
Ogden R, Wang X, Walliman N, Kendrick C, Use of multi-foil insulation in buildings: a review
Construction Materials 165 (5) (2012) pp.309-320 ISSN: 1747-650X -
Kendrick C, Wang X, Walliman N, Ogden R, Evaluation of ventilation strategies to reduce overheating in typical uk metal clad buildings with in-plane roof light
International Journal on Architectural Science 8 (2) (2011) pp.37-46 -
Walliman N, Baiche B, Ogden R, Thin joint glued brickwork: building in the British context
Construction and Building Materials 22 (6) (2008) pp.1081-1092 ISSN: 0950-0618 eISSN: 1879-0526 -
Kendrick C, Walliman N, Removing unwanted heat in lightweight buildings using phase change materials in building components: Simulation modelling for PCM plasterboard
Architectural Science Review 50 (3) (2007) pp.265-273 ISSN: 0003-8628 -
Ogden R, Wang X, Walliman N, Kendrick C, Vacuum insulation panels and their applications in buildings: A review
Construction Materials 160 (2007) pp.143-153 ISSN: 1747-650X
Walliman N,
Research Methods: the Basics
Routledge (2018) ISBN: 9781138693999 eISBN: 9781315528991 -
Walliman N,
Social Research Methods: The Essentials,
Sage (2016) ISBN: 9781473916203 -
Buckler S, Walliman N,
Your Dissertation in Education,
Sage (2016) ISBN: 9781473907485 -
Walliman N, Appleton J V,
Your Undergraduate Dissertation in Health and Social Care
SAGE (2009) ISBN: 9781847870704
Book chapters
Dolan, M., Walliman, N., Amouzad, S., and Ogden, R., Forensic Disaster Analysis of Flood Damage at Commercial and Industrial Firms
in Daniela Molinari, Scira Menoni, Francesco Ballio (ed.), Flood Damage Survey and Assessment: New Insights from Research and Practice, Wiley/American Geophysical Union (2017) ISBN: 9781119217923 -
Walliman N, Ogden R, Baiche B, Tagg A, Escarameia M, A tool to predict the costs of reinstatement of individual buildings after flooding
in Comprehensive Flood Risk Management, CRC Press (2012) ISBN: 978-0-415-62144-1 eISBN: 978-0-203-37451-1 -
Walliman, N., House construction methods
in Smith, S (ed.), International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home, Elsevier (2012) -
Walliman, N., Self-build housing
in Smith, S (ed.), International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home, Elsevier (2012) -
Escarameia, M., Walliman, N., The effectiveness of flood proofing vulnerable hotspots to improve urban flood resilience
in Klijn, mF., Schweckendiek, T. (ed.), Comprehensive Flood Risk Management: Research for Policy and Practice, CRC Press (2012)
Conference papers
Dolan M, Walliman N, Molinari D, Menoni S, Ogden R, Amouzad S, Ballio F, Post-flood damage data: requirements for disaster forensic investigation
7 (16004) (2016) Post-flood damage data: requirements for disaster forensic investigation Open Access version on RADAR -
Nimsamer, P., Walliman, N., Continuity and change of Thai vernacular building tradition in Thailand
(2014) -
Correia, M., Walliman, N., Evaluation of planning systems in earthen heritage conservation