Dr Marco Raugei
Senior Lecturer and Senior Research Fellow in Mechanical Engineering
School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics
![Marco Raugei](https://media-cdn.brookes.ac.uk/mediacontainer/medialibraries/oxfordbrookes/profile-images/staff/tde/ecm/raugei-marco-p0076867-small.jpeg?width=256&height=256&ext=.jpeg)
Areas of expertise
- Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
- Net Energy Analysis (NEA)
- Emergy Analysis (EMA)
- Material Flow Accounting (MFA)
- Renewable energy
- Photovoltaics
- Energy transition scenarios
- Sustainable transport
Teaching and supervision
Modules taught
- Management, Ethics, Energy & Sustainability
- Joint doctoral supervisor: Mashael Kamran, ongoing, Oxford Brookes University
- Joint doctoral supervisor: Alessio Peluso, ongoing, Oxford Brookes University
- Joint doctoral supervisor: Enrica Leccisi, PhD 2017, Parthenope University of Naples, Italy
- Joint doctoral supervisor: Alba Bala Gala, PhD 2015, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain
- Doctoral committee member: Naomi Keena, PhD 2017, Rennselaer Polytechnic Institute, NY, USA
- Mentor: Marco Ascione, PhD 2008, University of Parma, Italy
- Mentor: Francesco Cherubini, MSc 2006, University of Siena, Italy
I have carried out research in the fields of Life Cycle Analysis (LCA), Net Energy Analysis (NEA), environmental management and sustainability analysis, both in the academic and private sectors, in Italy, Spain, the USA and the UK.
My main research interests and the core of my research activity to date have been in
- the theoretical improvement of existing approaches for environmental sustainability assessment, taking into account a wide range of viewpoints and methods, and
- their application to energy systems and the development of strategic energy supply and transport scenarios.
Research group membership
- Visiting Scientist at Center for Life Cycle Analysis, Columbia University, New York, USA
Research projects
I have worked on several EU, national and international research projects, among which:
- UK EPSRC project ‘Recycling of Lithium-ion Batteries (ReLIB)’ (https://relib.org.uk/)
- UK EPSRC project ‘Whole System Impacts and Socio-economics of wide scale PV integration (WISE PV)’ (http://gow.epsrc.ac.uk/NGBOViewGrant.aspx?GrantRef=EP/K022229/1)
- UK EPSRC project ‘Towards Affordable, Closed-Loop Recyclable Future Low Carbon Vehicle Structures (TARF-LCV)’ (http://gow.epsrc.ac.uk/NGBOViewGrant.aspx?GrantRef=EP/I038616/1)
- EU FP7 project ‘Materials for Ageing Resistant Li-ion High Energy Storage for the Electric Vehicle (MARS-EV)’ (http://www.mars-ev.eu)
- LIFE+ 08 project ‘Finding environmental life cycle assessment information on packaging waste management thorough flexible software tools and databases (FENIX)’ (http://www.life-fenix.eu)
- EU Tempus III project ‘Ecosystem Informatics – Development of Postgraduate Curriculum’
- EU FP6 project ‘New Energy Externalities Development for Sustainability (NEEDS)’ (http://www.needs-project.org)
- EU FP6 project ‘Development and Comparison of Sustainability Indicators (DECOIN)’ (http://www.decoin.eu)
- EU FP5 project PVACCEPT (http://www.pvaccept.de)
- ‘Life Cycle Analysis of CdTe photovoltaic systems, including alternative Cd use and disposal scenarios in the EU’, in collaboration with Brookhaven National Laboratory, NY, USA (principal investigator)
- ‘Life Cycle Inventory of CdTe PV, with special attention to Cd flows and alternative Cd use/disposal scenarios in Europe’, in collaboration with Brookhaven National Laboratory, NY, USA (principal investigator)
Journal articles
Eltohamy H, van Oers L, Lindholm J, Raugei M, Lokesh K, Baars J, Husmann J, Hill N, Istrate R, Jose D, Tegstedt F, Beylot A, Menegazzi P, Guinée J, Steubing B, Review of current practices of life cycle assessment in electric mobility: A first step towards method harmonization
Sustainable Production and Consumption 52 (2024) pp.299-313 eISSN: 2352-5509 Review of current practices of life cycle assessment in electric mobility: A first step towards method harmonization Open Access version on RADAR -
Lokko M, Manu FW, Mboup N, Aly Etman M, Raugei M, Niang I, Ametepe K, Sarfo-Mensah R, Comparing the Whole Life Cycle Carbon Impact of Conventional and Biogenic Building Materials Across Major Residential Typologies in Ghana and Senegal
Sustainable Cities and Society [Online first] (2024) ISSN: 2210-6707 eISSN: 2210-6715 -
Delannoy L, Auzanneau M, Andrieu B, Vidal O, Longaretti P-Y, Prados E, Murphy DJ, Bentley RW, Carbajales-Dale M, Raugei M, Höök M, Court V, King CW, Fizaine F, Jacques P, Kuperus Heun M, Jackson A, Guay-Boutets C, Aramendia E, Wang J, Le Boulzec H, Hall CAS, Emerging consensus on net energy paves the way for improved integrated assessment modeling
Energy & Environmental Science 17 (2024) pp.11-26 ISSN: 1754-5692 eISSN: 1754-5706 Emerging consensus on net energy paves the way for improved integrated assessment modeling Open Access version on RADAR -
Desing H, Widmer R, Bardi U, Beylot A, Billy RG, Gasser M, Gauch M, Monfort D, Müller DB, Raugei M, Remmen K, Schenker V, Schlesier H, Valdivia S, Wäger P, Mobilizing materials to enable a fast energy transition: a conceptual framework
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 200 (2023) ISSN: 0921-3449 eISSN: 1879-0658 Mobilizing materials to enable a fast energy transition: a conceptual framework Open Access version on RADAR -
Keena N, Rondinel-Oviedo DR, Acevedo De-los-Ríos A, Sarmiento-Pastor J, Lira-Chirif A, Raugei M, Dyson A, Implications of circular strategies on energy, water, and GHG emissions in housing of the Global North and Global South
Cleaner Engineering and Technology 17 (2023) ISSN: 2666-7908 eISSN: 2666-7908 Implications of circular strategies on energy, water, and GHG emissions in housing of the Global North and Global South Open Access version on RADAR -
Raugei M, Addressing a Counterproductive Dichotomy in the Energy Transition Debate
Biophysical Economics and Sustainability 8 (2023) ISSN: 2730-7190 eISSN: 2730-7204 -
Kamran M, Raugei M, Hutchinson A, Critical Elements for a Successful Energy Transition: A Systematic Review
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Transition 4 (2023) ISSN: 2667-095X eISSN: 2667-095X Critical Elements for a Successful Energy Transition: A Systematic Review Open Access version on RADAR -
Keena N, Raugei M, Lokko M, Aly Etman M, Achnani V, Reck BK, Dyson A, A Life-Cycle Approach to Investigate the Potential of Novel Biobased Construction Materials toward a Circular Built Environment
Energies 15 (19) (2022) ISSN: 1996-1073 eISSN: 1996-1073 A Life-Cycle Approach to Investigate the Potential of Novel Biobased Construction Materials toward a Circular Built Environment Open Access version on RADAR -
Raugei M, Update on the Life-Cycle GHG Emissions of Passenger Vehicles: Literature Review and Harmonization
Energies 15 (19) (2022) ISSN: 1996-1073 eISSN: 1996-1073 Update on the Life-Cycle GHG Emissions of Passenger Vehicles: Literature Review and Harmonization Open Access version on RADAR -
Breyer C, Khalili S, Bogdanov D, Ram M, Oyewo AS, Aghahosseini A, Gulagi A, Solomon AA, Keiner D, Lopez G, Alberg Østergaard P, Lund H, Mathiesen BV, Jacobson MZ, Victoria M, Teske S, Pregger T, Fthenakis V, Raugei M, Holttinen H, Bardi U, Hoekstra A, Sovacool BK, On the history and future of 100% renewable energy systems research
IEEE Access 10 (2022) pp.78176-78218 ISSN: 2169-3536 eISSN: 2169-3536 On the history and future of 100% renewable energy systems research Open Access version on RADAR -
Heidrich O, Ford AC, Dawson RJ, Manning DAC, Mohareb E, Raugei M, Baars J, Rajaeifar M, LAYERS: a decision support tool to illustrate and assess the supply and value chain for the energy transition
Sustainability 14 (12) (2022) ISSN: 2071-1050 eISSN: 2071-1050 LAYERS: a decision support tool to illustrate and assess the supply and value chain for the energy transition Open Access version on RADAR -
Murphy DJ, Raugei M, Carbajales-Dale M, Rubio Estrada B, Energy Return on Investment of Major Energy Carriers: Review and Harmonization
Sustainability 14 (12) (2022) ISSN: 2071-1050 eISSN: 2071-1050 Energy Return on Investment of Major Energy Carriers: Review and Harmonization Open Access version on RADAR -
Rajaeifar MA, Ghadimi P, Raugei M, Wu Y, Heidrich H, Challenges and recent developments in supply and value chains of electric vehicle batteries: A sustainability perspective
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 180 (2022) ISSN: 0921-3449 Challenges and recent developments in supply and value chains of electric vehicle batteries: A sustainability perspective Open Access version on RADAR -
Fthenakis V, Raugei M, Breyer C, Bhattacharya S, Carbajales-Dale M, Ginsberg M, Jaeger-Waldau A, Leccisi E, Lincot D, Murphy D, Perez MR, Rockett A, Sadewasser S, Sinha P, Stanbery BJ, Swanson R, Verlinden P, Comment on Seibert, M.; Rees, W. “Through the Eye of a Nee-dle: An Eco-Heterodox Perspective on the Renewable Energy Transition”
Energies 15 (3) (2022) ISSN: 1996-1073 eISSN: 1996-1073 -
Lyu Y, Raugei M , Zhang X, Mellino S, Ulgiati S, Environmental Cost and Impacts of Chemicals Used in Agriculture: An Integration of Emergy and Life Cycle Assessment
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 151 (2021) ISSN: 1364-0321 Environmental Cost and Impacts of Chemicals Used in Agriculture: An Integration of Emergy and Life Cycle Assessment Open Access version on RADAR -
Raugei M, Peluso A, Leccisi E, Fthenakis V, Life-Cycle Carbon Emissions and Energy Implications of High Penetration of Photovoltaics and Electric Vehicles in California
Energies 14 (16) (2021) ISSN: 1996-1073 eISSN: 1996-1073 Life-Cycle Carbon Emissions and Energy Implications of High Penetration of Photovoltaics and Electric Vehicles in California Open Access version on RADAR -
Raugei M, Kamran M, Hutchinson A, Environmental implications of the ongoing electrification of the UK light duty vehicle fleet
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 174 (2021) ISSN: 0921-3449 Environmental implications of the ongoing electrification of the UK light duty vehicle fleet Open Access version on RADAR -
Ali Rajaeifar M, Raugei M, Steubing B, Hartwell A, Anderson P, Heidrich O, Life Cycle Assessment of lithium-ion battery recycling using pyrometallurgical technologies.
Journal of Industrial Ecology 25 (6) (2021) pp.1560-1571 ISSN: 1088-1980 eISSN: 1530-9290 Life Cycle Assessment of lithium-ion battery recycling using pyrometallurgical technologies. Open Access version on RADAR -
Bala A, Raugei M, Fernández A, Texeira CA, Pan-Montojo F, Fullana-i-Palmer P, Assessing the environmental performance of municipal solid waste collection: a new predictive LCA model
Sustainability 13 (11) (2021) ISSN: 2071-1050 eISSN: 2071-1050 Assessing the environmental performance of municipal solid waste collection: a new predictive LCA model Open Access version on RADAR -
Raugei M, Keena N, Novelli N, Aly Etman M, Dyson A, Life cycle assessment of an ecological living module equipped with conventional rooftop or integrated concentrating photovoltaics
Journal of Industrial Ecology 25 (5) (2021) pp.1207-1221 ISSN: 1088-1980 eISSN: 1530-9290 Life cycle assessment of an ecological living module equipped with conventional rooftop or integrated concentrating photovoltaics Open Access version on RADAR -
Kamran M, Raugei M, Hutchinson A , A dynamic material flow analysis of lithium-ion battery metals for electric vehicles and grid storage in the UK: Assessing the impact of shared mobility and end-of-life strategies.
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 167 (2021) ISSN: 0921-3449 A dynamic material flow analysis of lithium-ion battery metals for electric vehicles and grid storage in the UK: Assessing the impact of shared mobility and end-of-life strategies. Open Access version on RADAR -
Raugei M, Peluso A, Leccisi E, Fthenakis V, Life-Cycle Carbon Emissions and Energy Return on Investment for 80% Domestic Renewable Electricity with Battery Storage in California (U.S.A.)
Energies 13 (15) (2020) ISSN: 1996-1073 eISSN: 1996-1073 Life-Cycle Carbon Emissions and Energy Return on Investment for 80% Domestic Renewable Electricity with Battery Storage in California (U.S.A.) Open Access version on RADAR -
Raugei M, Kamran M, Hutchinson A, A prospective net energy and environmental life-cycle assessment of the UK electricity grid
Energies 13 (9) (2020) ISSN: 1996-1073 eISSN: 1996-1073 A prospective net energy and environmental life-cycle assessment of the UK electricity grid Open Access version on RADAR -
Raugei M, Leccisi E, Fthenakis V, What are the energy and environmental impacts of adding battery storage to photovoltaics? A generalized life cycle assessment.
Energy Technology 8 (11) (2020) ISSN: 2194-4288 eISSN: 2194-4296 What are the energy and environmental impacts of adding battery storage to photovoltaics? A generalized life cycle assessment. Open Access version on RADAR -
Murphy DJ, Raugei M, The Energy Transition in New York: A Greenhouse Gas, Net Energy and Life-Cycle Energy Analysis
Energy Technology 8 (11) (2020) ISSN: 2194-4288 eISSN: 2194-4296 The Energy Transition in New York: A Greenhouse Gas, Net Energy and Life-Cycle Energy Analysis Open Access version on RADAR -
Raugei M, Energy Return On Investment – setting the record straight
Joule 3 (8) (2019) pp.1810-1811 ISSN: 2542-4351 Energy Return On Investment – setting the record straight Open Access version on RADAR -
Ulgiati S, Fiorentino G, Raugei M, Schnitzer H, Lega M, Cleaner Production for Human and Environmental Well-being [editorial]
Journal of Cleaner Production 237 (2019) ISSN: 0959-6526 eISSN: 1879-1786 Cleaner Production for Human and Environmental Well-being [editorial] Open Access version on RADAR -
Albertí J, Raigosa J, Raugei M, Assiego R, Ribas-Tur J, Garrido-Soriano N, Zhang L, Song G, Hernández P, Fullana-i-Palmer P, Life Cycle Assessment of a solar thermal system in Spain, eco-design alternatives and derived climate change scenarios at Spanish and Chinese National levels
Sustainable Cities and Society 47 (2019) ISSN: 2210-6707 eISSN: 2210-6707 Life Cycle Assessment of a solar thermal system in Spain, eco-design alternatives and derived climate change scenarios at Spanish and Chinese National levels Open Access version on RADAR -
Raugei M, Net Energy Analysis must not compare apples and oranges
Nature Energy 4 (2019) pp.86-88 ISSN: 2058-7546 eISSN: 2058-7546 Net Energy Analysis must not compare apples and oranges Open Access version on RADAR -
Raugei M, Winfield P, Prospective LCA of the production and EoL recycling of a novel type of Li-ion battery for electric vehicles
Journal of Cleaner Production 213 (2019) pp.926-932 ISSN: 0959-6526 eISSN: 1879-1786 Prospective LCA of the production and EoL recycling of a novel type of Li-ion battery for electric vehicles Open Access version on RADAR -
Brown MT, Raugei M, Viglia S, Editorial: Indicators of Energy Use in Urban Systems
Ecological Indicators 94 (3) (2018) pp.1-3 ISSN: 1470-160X Editorial: Indicators of Energy Use in Urban Systems Open Access version on RADAR -
Raugei M, Hutchinson A, Morrey D, Can electric vehicles significantly reduce our dependence on non-renewable energy? Scenarios of compact vehicles in the UK as a case in point
Journal of Cleaner Production 201 (2018) pp.1043-1051 ISSN: 0959-6526 eISSN: 1879-1786 Can electric vehicles significantly reduce our dependence on non-renewable energy? Scenarios of compact vehicles in the UK as a case in point Open Access version on RADAR -
Raugei M, Leccisi E, Fthenakis V, Escobar Moragas R, Simsek Y, Net energy analysis and life cycle energy assessment of electricity supply in Chile: present status and future scenarios
Energy 162 (2018) pp.659-668 ISSN: 0360-5442 Net energy analysis and life cycle energy assessment of electricity supply in Chile: present status and future scenarios Open Access version on RADAR -
Raugei M, Leccisi E, Azzopardi B, Jones C, Gilbert P, Zhang L, Zhou Y, Mander S, Mancarella P, A multi-disciplinary analysis of UK grid mix scenarios with large-scale PV deployment
Energy Policy 114 (March 2018) (2018) pp.51-62 ISSN: 0301-4215 A multi-disciplinary analysis of UK grid mix scenarios with large-scale PV deployment Open Access version on RADAR -
Keena N, Raugei M, Aly Etman M, Ruan D, Dyson A, Clark’s Crow: a design plugin to support emergy analysis decision making towards sustainable urban ecologies
Ecological Modelling 367 (2017) pp.42-57 ISSN: 0304-3800 Clark’s Crow: a design plugin to support emergy analysis decision making towards sustainable urban ecologies Open Access version on RADAR -
Raugei M, Sgouridis S, Murphy D, Fthenakis V, Breyer C, Bardi U, Barnhart C, Brandt A, Buckley A, Carbajales-Dale M, Csala D, de Wild-Scholten M, Frischknecht R, Heath G, Jaeger-Waldau A, Jones C, Keller A, Leccisi E, Mancarella P, Pearsall N, Siegel A, Sinke W, Stolz P, Energy Return on Energy Invested (ERoEI) for photovoltaic solar systems in regions of moderate insolation: A comprehensive response
Energy Policy 102 (2017) pp.377-384 ISSN: 0301-4215 eISSN: 1873-6777 Energy Return on Energy Invested (ERoEI) for photovoltaic solar systems in regions of moderate insolation: A comprehensive response Open Access version on RADAR -
Jones C, Gilbert P, Raugei M, Mander S, Leccisi E, An Approach to Prospective Consequential Life Cycle Assessment and Net Energy Analysis of Distributed Electricity Generation
Energy Policy 100 (2016) pp.350-358 ISSN: 0301-4215 eISSN: 1873-6777 An Approach to Prospective Consequential Life Cycle Assessment and Net Energy Analysis of Distributed Electricity Generation Open Access version on RADAR -
Leccisi E, Raugei M, Fthenakis V, The Energy and Environmental Performance of Ground-Mounted Photovoltaic Systems—A Timely Update
Energies 9 (8) (2016) pp.1-13 ISSN: 1996-1073 eISSN: 1996-1073 The Energy and Environmental Performance of Ground-Mounted Photovoltaic Systems—A Timely Update Open Access version on RADAR -
Levasseur A, Cavalett O, Fuglestvedt JS, Gasser T, Johansson DJA, Jørgensen SV, Raugei M, Reisinger A, Schivley G, Strømman A, Tanaka K, Cherubini F, Enhancing life cycle impact assessment from climate science: Review of recent findings and recommendations for application to LCA
Ecological Indicators 71 (2016) pp.163-174 ISSN: 1470-160X Enhancing life cycle impact assessment from climate science: Review of recent findings and recommendations for application to LCA Open Access version on RADAR -
Cherubini F, Fuglestvedt J, Gasser T, Reisinger A, Cavalett O, Huijbregts MAJ, Johansson DJA, Jørgensen SV, Raugei M, Schivley G, Strømman AH, Tanaka K, Levasseur A, Bridging the gap between impact assessment methods and climate science
Environmental Science & Policy 64 (2016) pp.129-140 ISSN: 1462-9011 eISSN: 1873-6416 Bridging the gap between impact assessment methods and climate science Open Access version on RADAR -
Raugei M, Leccisi E, A comprehensive assessment of the energy performance of the full range of electricity generation technologies deployed in the United Kingdom
Energy Policy 90 (2016) pp.46-59 ISSN: 0301-4215 A comprehensive assessment of the energy performance of the full range of electricity generation technologies deployed in the United Kingdom Open Access version on RADAR -
Ridoutt B, Pfister S, Manzardo A, Bare J, Boulay A, Cherubini F, Fantkte P, Frischknecht R, Hauschild M, Henderson A, Jolliet O, Levasseur A, Margni M, McKone T, Michelsen O, Milà i Canals L, Page G, Pant R, Raugei M, Sala S, Verones F, Area of Concern: A new paradigm in life cycle assessment for the development of footprint indicators
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 21 (2) (2016) pp.276-280 ISSN: 0948-3349 eISSN: 1614-7502 Area of Concern: A new paradigm in life cycle assessment for the development of footprint indicators Open Access version on RADAR -
Raugei M, Morrey D, Hutchinson A, Winfield P, A coherent life cycle assessment of a range of lightweighting strategies for compact vehicles
Journal of Cleaner Production 108 Part A (2015) pp.1168-1176 ISSN: 0959-6526 eISSN: 1879-1786 A coherent life cycle assessment of a range of lightweighting strategies for compact vehicles Open Access version on RADAR -
Gala AB, Raugei M, Ripa M, Ulgiati S, Dealing with waste products and flows in life cycle assessment and emergy accounting: methodological overview and synergies
Ecological Modelling 315 (synthesis 8) (2015) pp.69-76 ISSN: 0304-3800 Dealing with waste products and flows in life cycle assessment and emergy accounting: methodological overview and synergies Open Access version on RADAR -
Bala Gala A, Raugei M, Fullana-i-Palmer P, Introducing a new method for calculating the environmental credits of end-of-life material recovery in attributional LCA
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 20 (5) (2015) pp.645-654 ISSN: 0948-3349 eISSN: 1614-7502 Introducing a new method for calculating the environmental credits of end-of-life material recovery in attributional LCA Open Access version on RADAR -
Ridoutt B, Fantke P, Pfister S, Bare J, Boulay AM, Cherubini F, Frischknecht R, Hauschild M, Hellweg S, Henderson A, Jolliet O, Levasseur A, Margni M, McKone T, Michelsen O, Milà i Canals L, Page G, Pant R, Raugei M, Sala S, Saouter E, Verones F, Wiedmann T, Making sense of the minefield of footprint indicators
Environmental Science and Technology 49 (5) (2015) pp.2601-2603 ISSN: 0013-936X eISSN: 1520-5851 Making sense of the minefield of footprint indicators Open Access version on RADAR -
Raugei M, Carbajales-Dale M, Barnhart CJ, Fthenakis V, Rebuttal: “Comments on ‘Energy intensities, EROIs (energy returned on invested), and energy payback times of electricity generating power plants’ – Making clear of quite some confusion”
Energy 82 (2015) pp.1088-1091 ISSN: 0360-5442 Rebuttal: “Comments on ‘Energy intensities, EROIs (energy returned on invested), and energy payback times of electricity generating power plants’ – Making clear of quite some confusion” Open Access version on RADAR -
Carbajales-Dale M, Raugei M, Fthenakis V, Barnhart CJ, Energy return on investment (EROI) of solar PV: an attempt at reconciliation
Proceedings of the IEEE 103 (7) (2015) pp.995-999 ISSN: 0018-9219 -
Assiego de Larriva R, Calleja Rodriguez G, Cejudo Lopez JM, Raugei M, Fullana i Palmer P, A decision-making LCA for energy refurbishment of buildings: Conditions of comfort
Energy and Buildings 70 (2014) pp.333-342 ISSN: 0378-7788 -
Raugei M, Rugani B, Benetto E, Ingwersen WW, Integrating emergy into LCA: Potential added value and lingering obstacles
Ecological Modelling 271 (2014) pp.4-9 ISSN: 0304-3800 -
Raugei M, El Fakir O, Wang L, Lin J, Morrey D, Life cycle assessment of the potential environmental benefits of a novel hot forming process in automotive manufacturing
Journal of Cleaner Production 83 (2014) pp.80-86 ISSN: 0959-6526 -
Arzoumanidis I, Fullana-i-Palmer P, Raggi A, Gazulla C, Raugei M, Benveniste G, Anglada M, Unresolved issues in the accounting of biogenic carbon exchanges in the wine sector
Journal of Cleaner Production 82 (2014) pp.16-22 ISSN: 0959-6526 -
Raugei M, Comments on Energy Intensities, Erois (energy Returned on Invested), and Energy Payback Times of Electricity Generating Power Plants-making Clear of Quite Some Confusion
Energy 59 (1 April 2013) (2013) pp.781-782 ISSN: 0360-5442 -
Raugei M, Energy pay-back time: methodological caveats and future scenarios
Progress in Photovoltaics 21 (4) (2013) pp.797-801-- ISSN: 1062-7995 -
Brown M T, Raugei M, Ulgiati S., On boundaries and ‘investments’ in Energy Synthesis and LCA. A case study on thermal vs. photovoltaic electricity
Ecological Indicators 15 (1) (2012) pp.227-235 ISSN: 1470-160X -
Raugei M, Isasa M, Fullana-i-Palmer P., Potential Cd emissions from end-of-life CdTe PV
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 17 (2) (2012) pp.192-198 ISSN: 0948-3349 eISSN: 1614-7502 -
Raugei M, Fullana-i-Palmer P, Fthenakis V, The energy return on energy investment (EROI) of photovoltaics: methodology and comparisons with fossil fuel life cycles
Energy Policy 45 (June) (2012) pp.576-582 ISSN: 0301-4215 -
Raugei M, Emergy indicators applied to human economic systems-A word of caution
Ecological Modelling 222 (23-24) (2011) pp.3821-3822 ISSN: 0304-3800 -
Fullana i Palmer P, Puig R, Bala A, Baquero G, Riba J, Raugei M, From Life Cycle Assessment to Life Cycle Management A Case Study on Industrial Waste Management Policy Making
Journal of Industrial Ecology 15 (3) (2011) pp.458-475 ISSN: 1088-1980 -
Ulgiati S, Ascione M, Bargigli S, Cherubini F, Franzese PP, Raugei M, Viglia S, Zucaro A, Material, energy and environmental performance of technological and social systems under a Life Cycle Assessment perspective
Ecological Modelling 222 (1) (2011) pp.176-189 ISSN: 0304-3800 -
Raugei M, Fthenakis V, Cadmium flows and emissions from CdTe PV: future expectations
Energy Policy 38 (9) (2010) pp.5223-5228 ISSN: 0301-4215 -
Bala A, Raugei M, Benveniste G, Gazulla C, Fullana-i-Palmer P, Simplified tools for global warming potential evaluation: when 'good enough' is best
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 15 (5) (2010) pp.489-498 ISSN: 0948-3349 eISSN: 1614-7502 -
Gazulla C, Raugei M, Fullana-i-Palmer P, Taking a life cycle look at crianza wine production in Spain: where are the bottlenecks?
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 15 (4) (2010) pp.330-337 ISSN: 0948-3349 eISSN: 1614-7502 -
Raugei M, Fullana-i-Palmer P, Puig R, Torres A, A Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Single-Use Fibre Drums Versus Reusable Steel Drums
Packaging Technology and Science 22 (8) (2009) pp.443-450 ISSN: 0894-3214 -
Raugei M, Ulgiati S, A novel approach to the problem of geographic allocation of environmental impact in Life Cycle Assessment and Material Flow Analysis
Ecological Indicators 9 (6) (2009) pp.1257-1264 ISSN: 1470-160X -
Raugei M, Frankl P, Life cycle impacts and costs of photovoltaic systems: Current state of the art and future outlooks
Energy 34 (3) (2009) pp.392-399 ISSN: 0360-5442 -
Cerdan C, Gazulla C, Raugei M, Martinez E, Fullana-i-Palmer P, Proposal for new quantitative eco-design indicators: a first case study
Journal of Cleaner Production 17 (18) (2009) pp.1638-1643 ISSN: 0959-6526 -
Raugei M, Real or Imagined Limits?
American Scientist 97 (4) (2009) pp.269- ISSN: 0003-0996 -
Cherubini F, Raugei M, Ulgiati S, LCA of magnesium production - Technological overview and worldwide estimation of environmental burdens
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 52 (8-9) (2008) pp.1093-1100 ISSN: 0921-3449 -
Ulgiati S, Bargigli S, Raugei M, An emergy evaluation of complexity, information and technology, towards maximum power and zero emissions
Journal of Cleaner Production 15 (13/14) (2007) pp.1359-1372 ISSN: 0959-6526 -
Raugei M, Bargigli S, Ulgiati S, Life cycle assessment and energy pay-back time of advanced photovoltaic modules: CdTe and CIS compared to poly-Si
Energy 32 (8) (2007) pp.1310-1318 ISSN: 0360-5442 -
Ulgiati S, Raugei M, Bargigli S, Overcoming the inadequacy of single-criterion approaches to Life Cycle Assessment
Ecological Modelling 190 (3-4) (2006) pp.432-442 ISSN: 0304-3800 -
Raugei M, Bargigli S, Ulgiati S, A multi-criteria life cycle assessment of molten carbonate fuel cells (MCFC) - a comparison to natural gas turbines
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 30 (2) (2005) pp.123-130 ISSN: 0360-3199 -
Bargigli S, Raugei M, Ulgiati S, Comparison of thermodynamic and environmental indexes of natural gas, syngas and hydrogen production processes
Energy 29 (12-15) (2004) pp.2145-2159 ISSN: 0360-5442 -
Ulgiati S, Bargigli S, Raugei M, Can a process sustainability be assessed by means of thermodynamic and ecological impact categories?
Ecological Questions 3 (2003) pp.153-168 ISSN: 1644-7298
Book chapters
Fthenakis V, Leccisi E, Raugei M, Solar Cells: Energy Payback Times and Environmental Issues.
in Meyers RA (ed.), Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology, Springer (2020) eISBN: 9781493924936 Solar Cells: Energy Payback Times and Environmental Issues. Open Access version on RADAR -
Raugei M, Cadmium flows and emissions CdTe PV friend or foe?
in Barbir F, Ulgiati S (ed.), CADMIUM FLOWS AND EMISSIONS CDTE PV FRIEND OR FOE?, (2010) ISBN: 978-90-481-9567-1 -
Ulgiati S, Ascione M, Bargigli S, Cherubini F, Federici M, Paolo Franzese P, Raugei M, Viglia S, Zucaro A, Barbir F, Ulgiati S, Multi-method and Multi-scale Analysis of Energy and Resource Conversion and Use
Raugei M, Frankl P, Life cycle impacts and total costs of present and future photovoltaic systems: State-of-the art and future outlook of a strategic technology option for a sustainable energy system
in Barbir F, Ulgiati S (ed.), Life cycle impacts and total costs of present and future photovoltaic systems: State-of-the art and future outlook of a strategic technology option for a sustainable energy system, Springer (2008) ISBN: 978-1-4020-8493-5 eISBN: 978-1-4020-8494-2
Conference papers
Raugei M, Frankl P, Key projections on future PV performance, market penetration and costs, with special reference to CdTe and other thin film technologies
1041 (2008) pp.13-24
Other publications
Dyson A, Keena N, Lokko M, Reck BK, Ciardullo C, Aly Etman M, Wildman H, Wireko Manu F, Acavedo de los Rios A, Raugei M, Puurunen E, Mboup N, Nianh I, Rondinel-Oviedo DR, Sarmiento-Pastor JM, Lira-Chirif AM, Iyer A, Yao Y, Achnani V, Building materials and the climate: constructing a new future
Professional information
Memberships of professional bodies
- Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (UK)
Other professional activities:
- Ricardo Energy and Environment
Senior Transport LCA Expert - International Energy Agency
Photovoltaic Power Systems (PVPS) Programme Task 12
Member and technical representative - Biennial International Workshop series "Advances in Energy Studies”
Member of the scientific advisory board - Parthenope University of Naples, Italy
- Member of the board of tutors of the International PhD Programme ‘Environment, Resources, and Sustainable Development’
Further details
Other experience
2008 – 2013:
UNESCO Chair in Life Cycle and Climate Change (formerly Environmental Management Research Group), Escola Superior de Commerç Internacional (ESCi) – Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain
Senior researcher / head of research line.
2006 – 2008:
Ambiente Italia, Rome, Italy
Environmental consultant.
Center for Wetlands, University of Florida, FL, USA
Graduate Research Assistant.
Activities for international journals:
- BioPhysical Economics and Resource Quality (Springer)
Member of the editorial board - Journal of Environmental Accounting and Management (L&H Scientific Publishing)
Member of the editorial board; Subject Editor for Renewable Energy and LCA - Ecological Indicators (Elsevier)
Guest editor for special Issue "Energy and Urban Systems" - Energies (MDPI)
Guest editor for special Issue "Life-Cycle Assessment of Energy Systems in Current and Evolving Grids" - Energy Technology (Wiley)
Guest editor for special Issue "Technoeconomic and Life Cycle Analysis for Energy Technologies”
Journal reviewer:
- Science (AAAS Publications)
- Environmental Science & Technology (ACS Publications)
- Applied Energy; Biomass and Bioenergy; Ecological Economics;
Ecological Indicators; Ecological Modelling; Energy; Energy Policy;
Environmental Modelling & Software; International Journal of Hydrogen Energy; Journal of Cleaner Production; Resources; Conservation and Recycling;
Solar Energy (Elsevier) - IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics (IEEE EDS)
- Journal of Environmental Accounting and Management (L&H Scientific Publishing)
- Journal of Technology Innovations in Renewable Energy (Lifescience Global)
- Energies; Resources (MDPI)
- The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment;
BioPhysical Economics and Resource Quality (Springer) - Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications (Wiley)