Dr Jonathan Reid


Senior Lecturer in Child Development and SEN/ Inclusion

School of Education, Humanities and Languages


Jon joined Oxford Brookes University following a teaching career in both Primary and Secondary Education.

Having initially undertaken an Undergraduate Degree in the Psychology of Education (University of Wales), he completed the Post Graduate Certificate in Education at Westminster Institute of Education.

During the first few years of Teaching, Jon completed a Post Graduate Diploma in Educational Studies and MSc Education at the University of Oxford. Associated research involved investigating the impact of introducing a strategic approach to teaching and learning which incorporated reconceptualisations of effective practice in light of psychological perspectives, applied meta-cognition and neuroscience. The aim of the research was to investigate meta-cognitive development and thinking in younger learners following explicit intervention and instruction.

During his mainstream educational experiences, Jon developed an interest in supporting pupils with additional learning needs. Subsequently he spent time working in a therapeutic residential school catering for pupils who had experienced severe emotional trauma due to the accumulation of adverse experiences in infancy and early childhood. Jon then joined the Local Authority as a Behavioural Support Teacher, a role which involved visiting schools across the age range and working with a variety of professionals.

Prior to joining Oxford Brookes University, Jon spent time as a Deputy Head Teacher of an Independent Secondary Special School which specialises in meeting the needs of a diverse group of pupils who primarily have needs associated with complex educational needs, communication difficulties and challenging behaviours.

Jon is Subject Coordinator for Education Studies (Single and Combined Honours) and Education Studies: Special Educational Needs/ Disabilities and Inclusion (SENDI) and Liaison Manager for the Oxford Brookes University and SEBDA SEMH Masters Accreditation collaboration.

Teaching and supervision

Modules taught


BA Educational Studies/Early Childhood Studies

  • Introduction to Child Development
  • Child Development 1: The Developing Child
  • Child Development 2: Researching Child Development
  • Constructions of Childhood
  • Inclusion: Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
  • Inclusion: Diverse Perspectives
  • Psychology and Education
  • Alternative Educational Provisions
  • Educational Placement
  • Dissertation Supervision

BA Primary Teacher Education

  • Child Development and Learning (Year 1)
  • Behaviour and Motivation (Year 2)
  • Inclusion Pathway (Year 3)


Post Graduate Certificate in Education (Primary/Secondary)

  • Overviews of SEND, Diverse and Additional Learning Needs & Inclusion
  • SEMH and alternative perspectives on understanding pupil behaviour in Educational settings
  • Developing Professional Practice


  • Alternative Perspectives on Challenging Behaviour
  • Young people in challenging circumstances

MA Education/Childhood Studies

  • Mind and Brain
  • Children, Families and Communities
  • Dissertation Supervision


Research interests

  • Special Educational Needs/ Disabilities and Inclusion
  • Pupil Voice
  • The role of Initial Teacher Education in supporting professional development in relation to SEND/ Inclusion
  • The role of 'special schools' in supporting professional development in relation to SEND/ Inclusion

Jon is a registered Doctoral student at the University exploring the role of compassion in Education.

Professional information

Memberships of professional bodies

  • Member of the British Psychological Society
  • Fellow of the Higher Education Authority


  • Reid (2019) Promoting Compassionate Interactions through Communication and Connection. Oxfordshire School Inclusion Team Annual Conference.
  • Reid (2019) What worked and what definitely didn’t: Care and Compassion V Compliance and Control. Festival of Education: SEND Strand. Wellington College
  • Reid (2019) “Your emotions take a back seat”: Teacher’s emotional work, their wellbeing and the role of “Compassion” The International Centre for Therapeutic Care. The International Centre Research Group
  • Reid, J (2018) Student voice: Working with children to improve their life chances. Festival of Education
  • Reid, J (2018) Education Policy Institute: Panel Discussion. SEND: Is there a postcode lottery for access to support, and can we quantify this? Festival of Education
  • Reid, J (2018) These are our children. FestABLE
  • Reid, J (2018) The case for Compassion Focused Therapy in Schools. Invited Key Note: SEBDA Residential Conference
  • Reid, J (2018) "#EducationforMentalHealth" Introduction as host of the Education For Mental Health Conference.
  • Reid, J (2018) An ex-teacher and ex-student critically explore experiences of Education: Education For Mental Health Conference.
  • Reid, J (2018) Emotional Health at School: Supporting good mental health for a flourishing classroom and school community. Presentation in collaboration with Family Links, Emotional Health at School and Emotional Health at Work.
  • Reid, J. (2017) A critical exploration of SEND: A UK Perspective. Invited Lecture: Eastern Washington University. Spokane. USA
  • Reid, J. (2017) Emotional Development and Approaches to Classroom Management. SEBDA and Oxford Brookes University Book Launch Conference for Colley, D., & Cooper, P. (Eds). Emotional Development and Attachment in the Classroom: Theory and Practice for Students and Teachers. London: Jessica Kingsley
  • Reid, J. (2017) SEMH and SEND: Swindon Challenge Conference. Swindon Borough Council
  • Reid, J. (2017) Mental Wellbeing, Teacher Fears and Identity. Oxford Brookes University School of Education Research Conference
  • Reid, J. (2017) Pre and Post SEND placement beginning teachers reflections as opportunities for learning. UCET SEND Built in not Bolt on Conference: Swiss Cottage: London.
  • Reid, J. (2017) Perspectives on SEND and Inclusion: A Critical Realist Exploration of Social, Emotional and Mental Health and behaviours that may challenge. #ResearchSEND. University of Wolverhampton.
  • Reid, J. (2016) Supporting the Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs of children and young people: Is it what we know or what we show ? National Education Trust (NET) Vulnerable Learners: Creating Excellent Education for All Conference.
  • Reid, J. (2016) How can Initial Teacher Education support beginning teachers’ understanding of behaviour and discipline in schools? A critical response to recent policy guidance. Universities Council for the Education of Teachers (UCET) Annual Conference.
  • Reid, J. (2016) How do beginning teachers learn to support pupils with additional and diverse learning needs ? 7th Teacher Education Advancement Network (TEAN) Annual Conference: Cultivating Learning.
  • Reid, J. (2015) What does Inclusion mean in Education ? Invited Lecture: Oxford Brookes University: School of Education.
  • Reid, J. (2015) “It changed the way I think about Inclusion” Experiences, opportunities and challenges: A reflection on an ‘Inclusive teaching’ Initial Teacher Training development. Oxford Brookes University Teaching and Learning Conference.
  • Reid, J. (2014) Special Educational Needs and Disabilities: A UK Perspective. Invited Lecture: Orebro University. Sweden.


  • DfE: Invitation to join consultation on strengthening Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) and improving career progression for teachers, particularly in relation to supporting children and young people with additional learning needs.
  • All Party Parliamentary Group on Autism (APPGA):Autism Employment Gap Roundtable briefing: Private Round Table.
  • Houses of Parliament: Roundtable discussion with the Apprenticeships Minister including representatives from the DFE, National Charitable Organisations, Chair of the APPG on learning disability, Chair of the APPG on autism.
  • WholeSchoolSEND, London Leadership Strategy, National Education Trust and the Department for Education: Contributor to the SEND Reflection Framework