Dr Jon Wheatley
Senior Lecturer in Comparative Politics
School of Law and Social Sciences

I am a senior lecturer in Comparative Politics. My research and teaching interests include comparative European politics, political parties and party systems, as well as democratisation, autocratisation and regime change. I have a grounding both in qualitative and quantitative research methods.
I am also a founding member of the Preference Matcher consortium, which unites academics from a number of European universities and has deployed Voter Advice Applications (VAAs) in more than thirty countries in Europe and beyond. VAAs are online platforms that match voters to parties and candidates at election time by canvassing their views on the key issues of the day.
My specific areas of expertise are the following:
- European party systems and voter allignments in an age of globalisation
- Dimensions of political competition: Are "left" and "right" still relevant?
- Development and exploitation of VAAs
- Politics and society the former Soviet Union.
Teaching and supervision
Modules taught
I teach the following module pathways:
- Nationalism and Regime Change (Pathway: Democracy, Autocracy and Regime Change)
- State and Society: Europe and the United States (Pathway: State and Society in Europe)
I also deliver lectures in a number of other modules. These include the Masters module "Advanced Research in International Relations", the first year module "Politics in Comparative Perspective" and the second year module "Researching Politics and International Relations"
I am happy to supervise PhD projects that fall within my area of expertise.
My main research interests are:
- Comparative democratisation;
- European party systems and voter allignments in an age of globalisation;
- The use of online voting guidance tools (also known as Voting Advice Applications or VAAs) and their exploitation for research purposes;
- Politics and society the former Soviet Union.
Centres and institutes
Further details
I am also a founding member of the Preference Matcher consortium (www.preferencematcher.org), which unites academics from a number of European universities and has deployed VAAs in more than thirty countries in Europe and beyond.