Professor John Harrison
Visiting Professor
School of Biological and Medical Sciences

John was, until his retirement in 2015, Director of the Centre for Radiation, Chemical and Environmental Hazards at Public Health England, which is now part of the UK Health Security Agency. Since retirement, he has continued with international and national work on radiological protection and the advancement of the scientific understanding of radiation dosimetry and effects. He was until recently a member of the International Commission on Radiological Protection and currently chairs the DHSC Committee on Medical Aspects of Radiation in the Environment. The Committee is currently evaluating risks of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases from radiation exposures.
At Oxford Brookes, John works with Munira Kadhim, Professor of Radiation Biology in the School of Biological and Medical Sciences. He is currently providing support for student projects on aspects of risks posed by radiation exposure of people and how those risks should be controlled.