Professor John Glasson


Professor Emeritus in Planning and Impact Assessment

School of the Built Environment


John Glasson has academic qualifications in economics (LSE) and regional planning (Lancaster); he is a chartered town planner (MRTPI), and member of the International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA).

He is a Consultant and Professor Emeritus of Planning and Impact Assessment in Oxford Brookes University's Faculty of Technology, Design and Environment, and a Visiting Fellow at the Centre for Innovation Management and Research at Birkbeck. He was a Visiting Professor in Environmental Planning at Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia (2000-2014), and has been Visiting Professor at UTM (Malaysia) and UClan (Lancashire).

John was the Head of the Oxford Brookes University School of Planning from 1980-2003, and was the first Pro-Vice Chancellor for Research and Consultancy at Oxford Brookes. In 2009, he was awarded the title of Academician of the UK Academy of Social Sciences (AcSS, now FAcSS), particularly for his contributions in linking research and practice in his areas of expertise

Teaching and supervision

John makes occasional teaching inputs, especially to Masters programmes. He has supervised over 30 doctoral students, and has examined similar numbers in the UK and several countries overseas. He has run many short courses and makes external presentations/webinars on various aspects of EIA, Energy Projects and Regional and Strategic Planning, in the UK and overseas.


John was the Founding Director of the Oxford institute for Sustainable Development (OISD) and the Impact Assessment Unit (IAU), both at Oxford Brookes University, and of the Oxfordshire Economic Observatory (OEO) (joint Oxford University, Oxford Brookes and Birkbeck). He has successfully managed over 75 major research and consultancy projects, valued at over £8 million in total, for: the UK, EU and Western Australian governments; UK research councils; major agencies and especially for the energy industry—primarily in the fields of impact assessment and regional planning.

He managed the major 8-year project monitoring the socio-economic impacts of building the last nuclear power station, Sizewell B, between 1988 and 1995; he also carried out socio-economic impact studies for the JET nuclear fusion project. He has recently been a socio-economics consultant to EDF Energy for the proposed nuclear new build at Hinkley Point and Sizewell in the UK, and to the UK Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) on impact assessment procedures for a UK Deep Mined Geological Nuclear Waste Depository.  He also advised on the local socio-economic impacts of a new power station development at Wylfa in Anglesey.

A recent research project (2018-2019) for the New Nuclear Local Authorities Group (NNLAG) has involved the monitoring and auditing of the local and regional socio-economic and environmental impacts of the construction of Hinkley Point C nuclear power station. A current Vattenfall/EU funded research project (2017—2021) focuses on assessing the local and regional socio-economic impacts of the construction and operation of major offshore windfarms in the UK North Sea.




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Professional information

Memberships of professional bodies

John is a chartered town planner (MRTPI), member of the International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA), member of the Royal Society of Arts (RSA), and Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences (FAcSS).

He is Editor of the Routledge Natural and Built Environment book series, and is on the editorial boards of several journals: Environmental Impact Assessment Review, Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management, and International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development.


John has considerable experience of acting as an international reviewer/adviser, most recently for the socio-economic impacts of major energy projects, including the decommissioning of the first Canadian nuclear power station. Other projects include for state planning in Western Australia, for sub-regional planning in the UK Midlands, for the Thames Estuary 2100 Strategy, for the Browse LNG project in NW Australia, and for strategic energy planning for British Energy. In 2010, he was appointed a Commissioner for the UK IPC (now PINS, National Infrastructure Directorate) to examine proposed new UK infrastructure projects, and led the examination of Hornsea 2 – currently the largest approved off shore wind farm in the world.