Dr Gregory Walsh
PhD (Biomechanics), MSc (Sports Biomechanics), BSc (Sport and Exercise Science)
Senior Lecturer in Sport and Exercise Science
School of Sport, Nutrition and Allied Health Professions

I specialise in the field of biomechanics and lecture on a number of modules across the Sport and Coaching Sciences undergraduate degree programmes. I am also currently the Subject Coordinator for the Sport and Exercise Science programme.
I supervise a number of postgraduate research students on a variety topics related to health and sport biomechanics. My research primarily focuses on the biomechanics and neuromotor control of gait, falls risk and posture in healthy and clinical populations, but I also conduct research on risk factors for and interventions to prevent sports injuries.
Areas of expertise
- Biomechanics
- Motor control
Teaching and supervision
- Sport, Physical Activity and Health Promotion (BSc (Hons), DipHE, CertHE)
- Sport and Exercise Science (BSc (Hons))
- Sport, Coaching and Physical Education (BSc (Hons))
Modules taught
- Introduction to Biomechanics
- Sport and Exercise Biomechanics
- Project/Dissertation
I welcome enquiries from prospective postgraduate research students with interests within the field of sport, health and exercise biomechanics and motor control.
Examples of current and previous student research project titles include:
- The effects of opposed and unopposed practice environments on skill acquisition and transfer, with specific reference to non-dominant foot kicking (MSc by Research)
- Analysis of falls risk and home-based power training with the aim of falls prevention in adults over 65 years (MPhil/PhD)
- Neural and neuromuscular risk factors for Anterior Cruciate Ligament injuries (MPhil/PhD)
Research Students
Name | Thesis title | Completed |
Zoe Taylor | Power training for fall rehabilitation and prevention in over 56s and comparisons of recovery mechanisms for loss of balance between fallers and non-fallers | Active |
My research focuses on the control of human movement, with a particular focus on the effect of ageing and clinical conditions on falls risk and the control of gait and posture. This work utilises a variety of biomechanical, musculoskeletal and neurophysiological measurement techniques to understand the causes and control mechanisms for human movement.
The aim of my research is to detect, identify and counteract the effects of againg and clinical conditions on gait and posture. In addition to this work, I also investigate factors associated with injury risk in athletic populations and strategies to minimise these risks.
Centres and institutes
Professional information
Memberships of professional bodies
- Fellow of HEA (Higher Education Accademy)