Dr Fabio Iapaolo
Research Fellow in AI, Data & Society
School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics
Fabio Iapaolo is a Research Fellow at Oxford Brookes University's Centre for AI, Culture, and Society and co-leads the AI and Data Analysis Network (AIDAN). His interdisciplinary research spans spatial analysis, political theory, and computer science, with a focus on the ethical and political challenges posed by automated decision-making.
Previously, as a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Turin, Italy, he contributed to a joint project between the Geography and Computer Science departments aimed at developing AI and blockchain applications using participatory methods and social justice principles.
He earned his PhD in Urban and Regional Development from the Polytechnic of Turin in 2021, including a one-year Visiting Scholarship with the Critical AI Studies (KIM) research group at the Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design in Germany. His dissertation, 'De-individuation of the Modern Subject in the Age of Artificial Intelligence: The Case of Self-Driving Cars and Algorithms for Decision-Making', examined the socio-spatial effects of self-driving cars for urban environments and AI's role in reshaping conventional notions of the human, technology, and the environment. His publications, both solo and collaborative, span a range of topics such as smart cities, autonomous mobility, posthuman subjectivities, digital sustainability, and predictive policing.
Currently, he is guest editing a special issue for the journal 'AI & Society', in collaboration with Ludovico Rella from Durham University, to encourage a cross-disciplinary conversation on AI. Additionally, he is co-editing a volume titled ‘Digital Technologies for Sustainable Futures: Promises and Pitfalls’, which is set to be published by Routledge.