Mrs Emma Inness

BA (Hons) Children's Nursing, MSc Nurse Education and Advanced Practice

Senior Lecturer and Subject Co-ordinator Children's Nursing

Oxford School of Nursing and Midwifery


I am currently subject co-ordinator for undergraduate children's nursing. I am also the lead for children's nursing simulated learning (which mainly takes place in our simulation suites) and I lead on children's practice related teaching in years 2 and 3 of the nursing course. I am also a link lecturer for an adolescent ward, a children's clinical decision making unit and children's critical care and a dissertation supervisor for undergraduate and post graduate students.

Areas of expertise

  • Children's rheumatology
  • Safeguarding vulnerable children
  • Children's orthopaedics
  • Simulated learning

Teaching and supervision


Modules taught

  • Education in Nursing Practice 3 and 4
  • Caring for children with Complex health care needs
  • Professional practice 4 and 5


I have responsibilities for supervising post graduate (MSc) dissertations.


Research grants and awards

  • 2014 Team Teaching Fellowship

Research projects

  • 2014 Service evaluation of Support and Information provided for parents of children newly diagnosed with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis.

Professional information


  • 2002 - Cool to Drool Children’s Nursing Conference: Care of the Child with Development Dysplasia of the Hip
  • 2003 Anaesthetics Regional Audit meeting - Incidence of post operative urinary retention with epidural infusions.
  • 2004 - Poster presentation Incidence of post operative urinary retention with epidural infusions.
  • 2009 Back to the future: a celebration of 25 yrs of children and young peoples nursing Poster presentation - Using Art Media to Promote Exercise Engagement for Young People with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA)
  • 2011 British Society for Paediatric and Adolescent Rheumatology poster presentation - Audit or methotrexate monitoring in a regional service.
  • 2012 British Society for Paediatric and Adolescent Rheumatology poster presentation - "Promoting parent Power"
  • 2012 Association for Simulated Practice in Healthcare - Co led paediatric master class on paediatric simulation and chair for seminars.
  • 2015 British Society for Paediatric and Adolescent Rheumatology poster presentation and presentation for the nurses group on support for parents after a child is diagnosed with JIA.
  • 2016 HEA Conference Presentation on Supporting disciplinary focused academic and professional transition through peer supported learning.

Conferences organised

  • 2005 National Paediatric Orthopaedic Conference

Further details

Other experience

  • Staff Nursing Children's Orthopaedics
  • Senor Staff Nurse Children's Orthopeadics
  • Senior Staff Nursing Children's General Surgical Ward
  • Clinical Nurse Specialist Children's Rheumatology
  • Advanced Nurse Specialist Children's Rheumatology
  • Research Nurse Children's Rheumatology

I am proud to be a children's nurse and passionate about improving nursing care for children and families which led me to my career in higher education.

I began teaching at Oxford Brookes University in September 2007 as part of the Children’s nursing team but I continued to work in practice as an advanced nurse practitioner in Children's rheumatology and as a research nurse for children's rheumatology until 2013 when I left to become a full time member of the teaching team. I aim to inspire future children's nurses to also become dedicated to improving nursing care for children and families. I continue to have strong links with practice through link lecturing and professional relationships and professional group membership.