Dr Diana Limburg


MBA Director

Oxford Brookes Business School


As MBA Director I am responsible for overseeing the MBA programme in all its facets. This includes responsibility for programme delivery and student experience, quality assurance, continuous improvement and strategic development, marketing, recruitment, liaison with accreditors and ACCA, etc. All of this is done working with a range of support and professional services and a great academic team.

I also teach undergraduate and postgraduate students (including MBA).

Finally, I am a researcher in Information Management - see the separate research section for details .

Teaching and supervision

Modules taught

At Oxford Brookes I have taught on/led:

  • Information Systems Strategy
  • Business Intelligence and Decision Making
  • Global Business Environments
  • Digital Strategy and Leadership
  • IS skills for PG HR students
  • eBusiness
  • Management Information Systems
  • Knowledge Management for Competitive Advantage
  • Digital Technology for Management and Business
  • Essential Information Skills
  • Research in Accounting
  • Strategic Information Management

I have 25+ years experience teaching at Undergraduate and Postgraduate levels, as well as in executive training. I started my academic career at Twente University in The Netherlands and moved to Brookes in 2004. Modules taught and led include: eBusiness, Management Information Systems, IT-related change, Strategic Information Systems and Strategic Information Management, Excel skills, Knowledge Management, Business Intelligence (using SAS Enterprise Guide) and Global Business Environments.

I am currently external examiner at Bradford University (for their MBA) and was external examiner at Buckingham University and Northumbria University. I have participated in numerous validation and quality assurance committees.


I have two PhD completions at Brookes; one on eGovernment, and one on FinTech. I currently co-supervise (with Dr Paul Jackson) a part-time PhD student on Enterprise Performance Management systems in Hight Tech Engineering. I am interested in supervising PhDs on strategic Information Systems/Information Technology application, especially in relation to performance management and not-for-profit organisations.


My research interests are applied (knowledge transfer) and in three related areas.

  1. Use of IT in not-for-profit organisations, especially to support integrated performance management (EPM).
  2. Strategic use of IT in SMEs, particularly through Knowledge Transfer Partnerships
  3. Enterprise Performance Management more generally as well as Business Intelligence.


Research impact

The KTP work has lead to significant immediate and longer-term benefits for the organisations involved. Some of these are explained in this short video.

The work with charities has helped charities improve their use of data for decision making


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Professional information

Memberships of professional bodies

I am board member (treasurer) of the UKAIS (UK Academy for Information Systems) and organising chair of the annual UKAIS PhD consortium. I have reviewed papers for major conferences as well as academic journals and organised a track for AMCIS (American Conference of IS).


  • Pan, Y., Jackson, P. and Limburg, D. (2015), VALUE CREATION LOGICS: A UK CASE STUDY, presented at the 15th UKAIS 2015, march 18-19, Oxford, UK.
  • Pan, Y. Jackson P. and Limburg, D. (2015), Managing Value Creation in Knowledge Intensive Business Services Organisations, presented at the 5th IEEE International Conference on Logistics, Informatics and Service Science (LISS’2015) to be held on 27-29 July, 2015, Barcelona, Spain.
  • Limburg, D. (2013), Using Dooyeweerd’s aspects to understand telework, presented at ITA meeting at ILERA 2013, 20-22 June, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  • Limburg, D. (2012) 'Ready, willing and capable: how can SMEs gain competitive advantage from using Internet-based technologies?'. Paper presented at the 17th annual UKAIS conference, Oxford, March.
  • Limburg, D., Knowles, C. and McCulloch, M. (2012) 'Meeting the information needs of charity trustees: can enterprise performance management systems help?'. Paper presented at the 17th annual UKAIS conference, Oxford, March.
  • Knowles, C., Limburg, D. and Mcculloch, M. (2011) 'Meeting the Information Needs of Charity Trustees: Can Enterprise Performance Management Systems Help?'. Paper presented at the Oxford Brookes Business School - Burgundy Business School Joint Research Conference, Dijon, May.
  • Levitt, G. and Limburg, D. (2011) 'Driving shareholder value through the use of machine translation within customer support'. Paper presented at the UKAIS 2011 Conference, Oxford, April.
  • Limburg, D. (2010) 'The Impact of Enterprise Performance Management on Management Control'. Paper presented at the 15th UKAIS conference, Oxford, March.
  • Limburg, D. (2009) 'The Impact of Enterprise Performance Management on Management Control'. Paper presented at the 5th Conference on Performance Measurement & Management Control (EIASM), Nice, March.
  • Limburg, D. and Jackson, P. (2008) 'Performance management for teleworking: The role of workflow management systems'. Proceedings of the 13th International Telework Workshop, Krakow, June.
  • Limburg, D. and Jackson, P. (2008) 'Information systems supporting remote control: An evaluation framework'. Paper presented at the UKAIS 2008, Oxford, April.
  • Limburg, D. (2006) 'The Telework introduction method: the role of design'. Proceedings of the e-Networks in an Increasingly Volative World; Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Telework, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada, August, pp. 116-139, ISBN
  • Limburg, D. and Jackson, P. (2005) 'No limits - telework control is a matter of organizational choice'. Paper presented at the Tenth International Telework Conference Workshop, Preston, September.
  • Limburg, D. O. and Jackson, P. J. (2004) 'TeleWorkFlow: How workflow management systems can support telework'. Paper presented at the Ninth International Telework Workshop, Crete, Greece, September.
  • Limburg, D. O. and van Oost, E. (2004) 'Management hybrid teleworks: an actor network theory perspective on control in telework organisations'. Paper presented at the Ninth International Telework Workshop, Crete, Greece, September.
  • Paracharalambous, L. and Limburg, D. O. (2003) 'The balancing act of managing virtual working in knowledge-intensive organisations'. Paper presented at the Eight International Telework Workshop, Sao Paulo, Brazil, August.


Consultancy through KTPs in particular


Further details

Languages: English, Dutch, Friesian, German, French