Dr Clair Merriman
PhD, MSc, BSc (Hons), RGN
Reader in Nursing, Midwifery and AHP Clinical Research-OxInAHR and Divisional Research Lead for NMAHPPS- Oxford University Hospitals Foundation Trust
Oxford School of Nursing and Midwifery

Lead in developing research capability and capacity in SuWON division of the OUHFT whilst working
within a research active team within OBU and the OUHFT to develop the strategic aims of the Trust
and OxInAHR. Teach in advanced practice and research specialism and contribute to other relevant
teaching at OBU and develop and teach research related programmes within OUHFT. Provide mentorship
to early career researchers and supervise MSc and Doctoral Students
Teaching and supervision
Modules taught
Advanced Practice, Neuroscience, Research. Supervise MSc and Doctoral students in range of topic areas.
Clair supervises MSc dissertation projects including primary research, service improvement and clinical audit studies. The students are from a wide range of health care professionals whose studies are from a range of clinical areas.
My research: since 2012 I have developed a research track record which has impacted on both.
education and clinical practice nationally and internationally. Current and previous research studies,
development projects and publications have focused on using simulation-based education as an
educational strategy, interprofessional learning and working, critical care, delivery of fundamental.
care to patients, and international educated nurses, under the umbrella term of Workforce
I completed my PhD in March 2020 entitled: ‘What are the components of a good ward round in a
large critical care unit and how can we make them happen more often?’ I undertook this as a part
time student. My study was an improvement-focused appreciative inquiry study exploring ward
rounds and was undertaken collaboratively with clinicians in the study site.
I am a Principal Investigator (PI) or collaborator of a number of studies and am well published in peer
reviewed academic journal. As a PI I have been undertaking an appreciative inquiry study exploring
the experiences of internationally educated nurses working in England, funded by Health Education
England. As a co-investigator I have been part of a project investigating how nurse education prior to
and during Covid prepares nurses for a pandemic, funded by the Economic & Social Research
Centres and institutes
Projects as Principal Investigator, or Lead Academic if project is led by another Institution
- A mixed methods study to explore factors influencing the learning environment, patient safety and care quality in non-UK and UK trained registered nurses (01/09/2022 - 31/08/2025), funded by: Health Education England, funding amount received by Brookes: £70,799
Projects as Co-investigator
- Evaluation of intervention to support nursing students at risk of leaving the programme(27/03/2023 - 26/09/2024), funded by: Health Education England, funding amount received by Brookes: £38,536, funded by: Health Education England
Professional information
Memberships of professional bodies
Professional Organisation Membership:
- Royal College of Nursing
- Nursing and Midwifery Council
- International Learning Collaborative
- RCN Education Forum Conference and Exhibition 2021- Exploring how international nurses and midwives are supported in the United Kingdom and prepared to take the Objective Structured Clinical Examinations-Oral Presentation
- BACCN Annual Conference 2020 -Debriefing Skills- Keynote Speaker
- RCP Annual Conference 2018- What are the components of a ‘good’ ward round in a large adult critical care unit and how can we make them happen more often? An Appreciative Inquiry Study - Invited Speaker Oral Presentation
- BACCN Annual Conference 2017- What are the components of a ‘good’ ward round in a large adult critical care unit and how can we make them happen more often? An Appreciative Inquiry Study - Oral Presentation (won the award for best oral research presentation)
- RCN Annual Research Conference 2017- What are the components of a ‘good’ ward round in a large adult critical care unit and how can we make them happen more often? An Appreciative Inquiry Study - Poster Presentation
- RCN Annual Research Conference 2017- Nursing students' understanding of the Fundamentals of Care: A cross-sectional study in five countries- Oral Presentation
- Nurse Education Today Conference 2016- Is interprofessional education an effective way to teach geriatric medicine to medical and nursing students?-Oral Poster Presentation
- ASPIH Annual Conference 2015 The origami debriefing model: Unfolding the Learning Moments in Simulation - Poster Presentation
Further details
I am an adult branch nurse with a clinical background in neuroscience and critical care
nursing. Following qualification as an RGN in 1992, I moved to Oxford as a staff nurse to become part
of its regional Neuroscience Unit at the Radcliffe Infirmary. During this time, I worked as a Clinical
Development Nurse and Ward Sister within the unit.
I have been a nurse educator since 2002, have held various roles and gained extensive experience of
curriculum development at both undergraduate and postgraduate level within all branches of
nursing and midwifery. My teaching expertise includes professional practice skills development for
health and social care students, simulation-based education, management of the neuroscience
patient, anatomy and physiology of the nervous system, specialist care and advanced practice.
In September 2022 I was appointed to a joint University and NHS research post. My role is in
supporting NMAHP practitioners and academics to develop research skills driving excellence in care
delivery, patient experience and optimise clinical outcomes.