Dr Christopher John William Dodd
Postdoctoral Research Assistant
Oxford School of Nursing and Midwifery

Dr Christopher Dodd is a postdoctoral researcher working within the Oxford Institute of Applied Health Research.
He is currently working on research projects in the field of social care and also lung cancer clinical trial
particpation. His PhD is in the history of medicine, focussing on the large hospital building programmes of the
1960s. As well as research interests in the digitisation of contemporary social care, he also continues to research
the genesis of the system of modern social care through archival research.
Teaching and supervision
Modules taught
Dr Dodd is an experienced History lecturer but is currently working in a research-only role.
Dr Dodd’s research currently encompasses contemporary health and social care, as well as the history of
psychiatric, geriatric and community care. Dr Dodd’s social care resarch with OxInAHR is focused upon the use of digital technologies in social care and its impact on vulnerable adults with social care needs and their carers.
Within health care, Dr Dodd is currently involved in the Lung I-ACT research project exploring the barriers and
facilitators to patient participation in lung cancer clinical trials.
As a historian, Dr Dodd is researching the genesis of the modern system of social care through the closure of the old long-stay hospitals and mental asylums in the second half of the twentieth century.