Dr Christian Ehrlich

PhD, MSc, PGCert

Reader in Organisational Behaviour

Oxford Brookes Business School


I am a full time member of staff within the Oxford Brookes Business School with a strong research focus on goal setting and mental health/well-being. 

Teaching and supervision


Modules taught

  • Residential Workshop 1
  • Developing Leadership Capabilities
  • Developing Skills for Business and Leadership
  • Advanced Quantitative Methods

I have more than 15 years of teaching experience on various UG and PG programmes as well as on doctoral programmes. 



Supervision of PhD and Professional Doctorate Students  (currently 6 successful completions) 


My main area of research focusses on the goal-striving reason framework, a Positive Psychology concept – developed by myself - which has shown to have a significant impact on people’s subjective well-being (mental health) as well as their positive psychological functioning at work. This also includes research into the impact of my Happiness through Goal-Setting Training and how it positively impacts the quality of people’s life – particularly when enhanced through an AI-based Digital Well-Being Coach. A further allayed area of interest concerns the impact of people’s goal-striving reasons in specific domains such as plastic waste consumption.

Research impact

Research Grants:

  • Ehrlich C. (2021). Innovate UK Smart Grants 2021- Application number: 10003836. Digital Well-Being Coach for Students (total worth £ £212,323, amount granted to Oxford Broookes: £31,482)
  • Ehrlich C. (2020). Innovate UK: Business-led innovation in response to global disruption (de minis). Application 56815: Syndeo Digital Well-Being Coach. (Total worth £49,2002; Subcontractor Oxford Brookes, £11,401). 
  • Ehrlich C. (PI) & Miles, S. (2018). Internal Small Grant Scheme Oxford Brookes Business School, (£5.000). Title: Predicting household plastic waste.
  • Ehrlich, C. (2018). Higher Education Innovation Fund. Oxford Brookes University (£8,281). Development and Evaluation of the Happiness through Goal Setting Training course. 
  • Ehrlich C. (2017). Research Excellence Award. Oxford Brookes University (£10,000). Title: Development and validation of the goal-striving reasons framework. 
  • Ehrlich, C. & Harzer, C. (2014). International Research Partnership Small Grant Scheme. Oxford Brookes University (£1,856). Title: Resigned and stabilised job satisfaction: a study into the factors that influence which form of satisfaction people adopt.

Centres and institutes


  • Digital Well-Being Coach for Students


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Professional information

Memberships of professional bodies

  • Member of the International Positive Psychology Association 
  • Member of German Society of Psychology (DGPs)


  • Ehrlich, C. (2021). The Goal-Striving Reasons Framework and its Predictive Power for Subjective Well-being. Proceedings fo the innagural Life Improvement Science Conference, Tuebingen, 9-13th of June 2021.
  • Ehrlich, C. (2020). The Goal-Striving Reasons Framework – A New Model to Measure the Why of Goal Pursuit and its Predictive Power of Subjective Well-Being. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Positive Psychology and Wellbeing, Paris, 16-17 April, 2020. 
  • Lapworth, L. & Ehrlich, C (2018). The Motivation of Voluntary Sector Employees: development and testing of the Voluntary Sector Ethos questionnaire. In Proceedings of the 13th International conference of the International Society for Third Sector Research, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 10-13 July.
  • Ehrlich, C. (2013). The Measurement of Goal-Striving Reasons and their Relevance for Employees in the Voluntary Sector. In Proceeding of the 27th Annual Conference of the British Academy of Management. Liverpool. 10-12 September.
  • Ehrlich, C. (2012). Stabilised and Resigned Forms of Life Satisfaction and Their Implications for Positive and Negative Affect. In Proceeding of the 10th Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology. Zuerich. 11-13 April.
  • Bartlett, D., & Ehrlich, C. (2009). Corporate Social Responsibility: Setting An Agenda For The Contribution of Work Psychology. In Proceedings of 14th European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology. Santiago de Compostela. 13-16. May.
  • Ehrlich C. (2009). Development of a framework to synthesise acknowledged questionnaires on work motivation and self-developed motivation scales to develop a comprehensive questionnaire to measure motivating work characteristics. Paper presented at the BPS Occupational Psychology Conference: 14-16. January, Blackpool.
  • Ehrlich, C. (2009). Is the nature of Life Satisfaction comparable to Job Satisfaction? - The application of Bruggemann’s model of Job Satisfaction to Life Satisfaction-. 2nd Annual Research Conference, London Metropolitan University.
  • Ehrlich, C. (2008). Implicit and explicit motives and their repercussions on multiple goal conflicts. 1st Annual Research Conference, London Metropolitan University, 2008.
  • Ehrlich, C. Maxeiner, T. (2007). Lerntechniken, Zielkonflikte und ihre Auswirkungen auf lernrelevante Variablen (Learning strategies, goal conflicts and there repercussions on learning outcomes). Paper presented at the 52. Kongress der Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft, Heidelberg, 2007 (S. 223-227). Dortmund: GfA-Press.
  • Ehrlich, C. (2006). A Questionnaire on motivation potentials at work and its relevance in the EFQM-Model. Paper presented at the 2nd Integrating for Excellence Conference in Sheffield, (2006) (pp. 175-183). 
  • Ehrlich, C. (2006). Ein Konzept zur Messung von Arbeitsmotivation und –zufriedenheit und dessen Mehrwert für Unternehmen (A Concept to measure work motivation and job satisfaction and its added value for organisations). Paper presented at the 52. Kongress der Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft, Stuttgart, 2006, (S. 415-419).
  • Ehrlich, C. (2006). Motivationspotenziale im Dienstleistungsbereich (Motivation potentials within the service sector). Kaiserslautern: Technische Universität, Lehrstuhl für Produktionswirtschaft. 
  • Skeries, S., Ehrlich, C. (2006). Ein Konzept zur Messung und Verknüpfung von Motivation und Gesundheit (A concept for a combined measurement of motivation and health). Paper presented at the 52. Kongress der Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft in Stuttgart, 2006 (S. 155-159). Dortmund: GfA-Press.
  • Ehrlich, C. (2005). Assessing Motivation Potentials at Work. Paper presented at the XII. European Congress of Work and Organisation Psychology, 13.-16. März, Istanbul. 
  • Ehrlich, C. (2005). Ein Konzept zur Messung von Motivationspotenzialen und Arbeitszufriedenheit und dessen Mehrwert für Unternehmen (A Concept to measure work motivation and job satisfaction and its added value for organisations). Poster at the 4. Tagung der Fachgruppe Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie in der DGPs, Bonn. 
  • Bromberger, N., Ehrlich, C. (2005). Diagnose und Gestaltung von Lernpotenzialen bei mittelständischen Unternehmen – ausgewählte Beispiele aus der Kfz-Branche (Diagnosis and Design of Learning potentials within medium sized organisations). Paper presented at the 51. Kongress der Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft, Heidelberg, 2005 (S. 223-227). 
  • Ehrlich, C. (2004). Entwicklung eines Fragebogens zur Erweiterung des Job Diagnostic Surveys (Development of a questionnaire as an extension to the Job Diagnostic Survey). Paper presented at the 44. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Göttingen, 2004 (S. 67). 
  • Ehrlich, C. & Zink, K.J. (2003). Development and Testing of a Questionnaire on Motivation Potentials at Work. In H. Luczak & K.J. Zink (Hrsg.), Human Factors in Organisational Design and Management – VII, Re-Design Work and Makroergonomics – Future Perspectives and Challenges: Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Human Factors in Organizational Design and Management in Aachen (S. 109 – 114). Santa Monica, USA: IEA Press. 


I am running the Happiness through Goal Setting Training as online as well as face to face version. The Happiness through Goal Setting Training is also available as textbook: 

Ehrlich, C & Milston S., (2022). Happiness through Goal Setting – a practical guide to reflect on and change the reasons why you pursue your most important goals in life. Routledge: New York.