Mr Chris Lloyd

Senior Lecturer in Law

School of Law and Social Sciences


Chris (he / him, Cape Town, South Africa, b. 1983) is a Senior Lecturer in Law, and for 2023-2025, the 'Student Experience Fellow' of the Sexual Consent Education Project:

He joined Oxford Brookes University in 2012, and has previously guest lectured at the University of Leicester (2014-2016), been a Teaching Fellow in Criminal Law at Durham University (2011-2012), and a a Sessional Lecturer in Criminal Law at Birkbeck, University of London (2008-2011).

He holds an LLB (Hons) from the University of Kent (2006) and is awaiting his viva for his Ph.D Thesis, which was submitted to the School of Law, Birkbeck, University of London, in September 2022.

Chris is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

Teaching and supervision


Modules taught

  • Criminal Law (GDL) Module Leader
  • Criminal Law (LLB) Module Leader
  • Understanding Criminal Justice (LLB) Module Leader
  • Rape and the Criminal Justice System (LLB) Topic Expert
  • Theory of Human Rights (LLM)

Contact information

To book an appointment to see Chris in his Office Hours, please click here for availibility.



Doctoral Projects in the following areas welcome:

Critical Criminal Law, Critical Legal Theory, Feminist Legal Studies.


Chris' research has two main strands:

  • the first is a broad concern with the critical legal theory stemming from work of the late French theorist Jacques Derrida
  • and the second concerns the application of this theory as a methodology for engaging with criminal law, particularly sexual offences.

Broadly, Chris' published works have covered:

  • critical criminal law, sexual offences, and feminist legal theory,
  • deconstruction and bio-politics,
  • jurisprudence and the politics of law (la and le politique)
  • and the legal theory of comics books.

Chris has original publications in:

Chris has reviews published in Law, Culture and the Humanities, Derrida Today, Feminist Legal Studies, and Social & Legal Studies.

Chris' 2017 article in Social & Legal Studies has a blog post accompanying it:

Chris' 2017 article in Information & Communications Technology Law 'The crime of sexting: a deconstructive approach' has 50 free copies of it available here:



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Professional information

Memberships of professional bodies

Chris served as an External Examiner for the School of Law at the University of Essex (2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21).

Chris is currently an External Examiner for Kent Law School, begininng September 2022.


(Selected Papers)

  • 'Criminal Law and the Man Problem: A Response,' 7th Derrida Today Conference, Arizona State University in Washington D.C., USA, June 2022.
  • 'She Sleeps, He Rapes,'Critical Legal Conference, The University of Dundee, Scotland, September 2021. 
  • 'Ratio decidendi ... the saga continues,'Critical Legal Conference, The University of Perugia, Italy, Sep 2019.
  • ‘There is nothing outside the sext,’21st Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Law, Culture and the Humanities, Georgetown Law School, Washington D.C, USA, March 2018.
  • ‘Sexting, Catastrophe, Law,’Critical Legal Conference, University of Warwick, Coventry, Sep 2017.
  • ‘Deconstruction and Bio-politics: Asymmetrical Visuality, Spacing, Power’,5th International Derrida Today Conference, Goldsmiths, University of London, June 2016.
  • ‘Deconstruction and Bio-politics: Asymmetrical Visuality, Spacing, Power’,19th Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Law, Culture and the Humanities, University of Connecticut Law School, Hartford, Connecticut, April 2016.
  • ‘Deconstruction and Bio-politics: Anachrony, Apparition, Law’,16th International Roundtable for the Semiotics of Law, University of Hawai’i, Hawai’i, April/May 2015.
  • ‘A Retort to Norrie: Derrida, Law, and the Socio-Historical,’4th International Derrida Today Conference, Fordham University (New York City), New York, May/June 2014.
  • ‘Judge, Jury and Executioner: Judge Dredd, Jacques Derrida, Drones,’Graphic Justice Symposium, St. Mary’s University Twickenham, London, Sep 2013.
  • ‘ce qui arrive: The future of (Derrida’s) deconstruction,’London Conference in Critical Theory, Royal Holloway, London, Oct 2013
  • ‘Hale’s performativity: Arkhē, storytelling, and narrative in English rape law.’4th Biennial International Applied Legal Storytelling Conference, in association with the ‘Legal Writing Institute’ and the ‘Clinical Legal Education Association,’ The City Law School, City University London, London, Jul 2013.
  • ‘The rationales of terror nurture the working magic of law,’ Roundtable discussion (reader meets author) with Colin Dayan discussing The Law is White Dog: How Legal Rituals Make and Unmake Persons, (Princeton, 2011),Law, Culture and the Humanities, Birkbeck College, University of London, London, Mar 2013.
  • ‘Anachrony makes the law’ Invited presentation at the Altona Foundation for Philosophical Research, Hamburg, Germany, Nov 2010.
  • ‘But it is, in law, what suspends law’: Derrida's law as autoimmune’ 2nd International Derrida Today Conference, The British Academy, London, UK, Jul 2010.
  • ‘The (Autoimmune) Performative of Law: ‘a law still nonexisting, a law still ahead, still having to and yet to come’’ Plenary Panel Lecture at Performatives After Deconstruction Conference, University of Kingston, Kingston Upon Thames, UK, Jun 2010.
  • ‘Immune disorder is also in order…’ - Derrida's (and Nancy's) autoimmunity and the subject (in law)’ Symptom In Theory Conference, University of Cardiff, Cardiff, UK, Sep 2009.


Chris works closely with the Thames Valley Police as an outreach of his academic work.

He sits (as of September 2024) as a member of:

The Independent Scrutiny and Oversight Board. The role of this Board is to provide overview and external scrutiny on the delivery of Thames Valley Police’s Race Action Plan, tackling racism and racial disparity in policing:

He has, previously, sat as a member of:

The Thames Valley Police Strategic Independent Advisory Group (SIAG).
The Thames Valley Police 'Stop & Search' Independent Advisory Group (SSIAG).
The Data Ethics Committee which oversees the ethical data collection undertaken by Thames Valley Police's "Violence Reduction Unit."

Further details

All of Chris' research is available to view here: