Bonita Corrie-Lunn

BA (Hons.), MRes

Lecturer in Sport Sociology

Department of Sport, Health Sciences and Social Work


Bonita's teaching interests link to both her academic specialisms in the field of the sociology of sport, and her expertise in anti-discrimination in the context of sport. She currently teaches across a range of modules on the Sport, Coaching and Physical Education degree programme, with her main teaching and module leadership responsiblities focused on our modules linked to the field of the sociology of sport, professional practice in sport, and research methods.

Teaching and supervision


Modules taught

  • SPOR4004 An Introduction to the Sociology of Sport
  • SPOR5001 Global and Cultural Studies in Sport
  • SPOR5011 Research Methods for Sport and Health Sciences
  • SPOR6002 Advanced Social Theory in Sport, Coaching and Physical Education
  • SPOR6026 Professional Practice in Sport, Coaching and Physical Education
  • SPOR6008 Project / Dissertation


Bonita's research primarily focuses on sports and religious discrimination, particularly antisemitism. As part of her current doctoral studies, she is currently investigating antidiscrimination initiatives in sports to create an educational resource that leverages sports as a means to reduce antisemitism. Her other areas of research interest also involve discrimination in sport, with a focus on gender and sexuality.


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