Mrs Barry Ricketts
Academic Lead/Senior Lecturer
Oxford School of Nursing and Midwifery

I qualified as a Registered Nurse in 1987 specialising in Cardiothoracic nursing whilst working in Southampton and Oxford. As a Ward Sister I completed a BSc (Hons) in Critical Care Nursing and took up Lecturer post in Cardiothoracic and Adult Nursing at Oxford Brookes University in 2000. Following completion of an MSc in Higher Professional Education I commenced a full time position within the Adult Nursing programme in 2004.
Teaching and supervision
- Academic Lead - NMC Competence Test Centre
- Module leader - Medicine Management for Adult Nursing
- Link Lecturer
- Skills facilitator
- Dissertation supervisor
- Risk assessment - Care of the Critically ill patient
- Hospital Life Support Trainer
- Academic Adviser
- Clinical skills role - implementation of the NMC simulation of skills project
Professional information
Memberships of professional bodies
- Nursing and Midwifery Council - NMC
- Royal College of Nursing - RCN
- Association for Simulation Practice in Health Care - ASPiH
Conference presentations
1) International
- 2011 - Granada, Spain - SESAM - 17th Annual meeting society in Europe for simulation applied to medicine.
- 2011 - Rome, Italy Laerdal European Sales Meeting - Use of Pre-programmed scenarios within nursing simulation - presentation and open forum
- 2010 - Monash University, Prato, Italy - Clinical Skills investigation - Practice to Reality - International Clinical Skills Conference Monash University, Italy - workshop
- 2008 - Monash University, Prato, Italy - Clinical simulation within pre-registration Nursing. Plenary session
2) National
- 2013- AspiH Annual Conference Harrogate valuing Safe Professional Practice
- 2012 - ASPiH, Annual Conference, Oxford Kassam,Oxford. Assessing the effectiveness of clinical simulation to teach pre-registration Adult Nursing students to recognise and manage the deteriorating patient: A randomised Controlled Trial
- 2009 - Coventry University - National OSCE Interest Group - presentation: Use of OSCE to support student assessment
- 2009 - Birmingham City University - Clinical Simulation Investigation - keynote address
- 2009 - Oxford Brookes University - School Research Conference. Presentation of MSc dissertation.
- 2008 - Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, London - Merging Simulation into Practice (NAMS) - plenary presentation
Conferences organised
- Simulation Evaluation Event, Oxford Brookes University - June 2008
- Aim Higher Schools Taster Day, Oxford Brookes University - July 2010
Further details
I am involved in the delivery of the pre-qualifying Adult Nursing MSc, BSc (Hons) and DipHE programmes. I have a particular interest in clinical skills teaching and the use of simulation to enhance student’s experience of learning in the clinical skills laboratory.
More recent interests include skill acquisition in relation to medication safety, critical care assessment and the use of OSCE assessment strategies within the simulated learning environment so support direct clinical care and competency assessment.
I currently work within the NMC Competence Test Centre as Academic Lead, supporting the OSCE assessment of the International Nurse.