Mr Ali Sampson


Laboratory Technician: Sports Exercise and Nutrition Science

School of Sport, Nutrition and Allied Health Professions

Ali Sampson


I am part of the technician team that oversees the Sport, Exercise and Nutrition laboratories and associated technical provision for both teaching and research in these areas. I contribute towards the Sports Science & Nutrition degree programmes as a Associate Lecturer, in my specialist areas of Performance Nutrition and Body Composition Analysis (ISAK Level 2). 

 As a technician, I ensure that all labs and equipment within them are correctly maintained, calibrated, reliable and accurate and all health and saftey documentation such as risk assements, control of substances hazardous to health (COSHH) and standard operating procedures are created, updated and stored correctly.

Day to day I am involved with set up, calibration and clear down of equipment for teaching and research practical work, train other member of staff and students on how to use equipment and technical procedures and loaning out equipment for field work. 


Specialising in Exercise Physiology & Nutrition, I also facilitate practical data collection for various research projects through technical support across our laboratories.


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Professional information

Memberships of professional bodies

Sport and Exercise Nutrition Register (SENr) - British Dietetics Association (BDA)

Registered Associate Nutritionist (ANutr), Associate of Nutrition

ISAK level 2 - The International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry




I conduct testing and athlete feedback as part of Oxford Brookes' Sport and Exercise Science Consultancy

Performance Nutrition Support for Athletes -

Further details

Previous Experience

Postgraduate Research Assistant in Nutrition - Oxford Brookes Centre for Nutrition and Health

Sports Science Intern - English Institute of Sport

Nutrition Intern - Oxford Vitality


BSc Sports Coaching Sciences - University of Chichester

MSc Applied Human Nutrition - Oxford Brookes University