Dr Adam Lonsdale
BSc, PhD
Senior Lecturer in Psychology and Senior Faculty Academic Advisor
School of Psychology, Social Work and Public Health

Areas of expertise
- The social psychology of music, music preference and musical taste
- Music & Uses and gratifications theory
- Musical engagement across the lifespan
- Musical taste, social identity & in-group favouritism
Teaching and supervision
Modules taught
I welcome enquiries from potential PhD students who would like to work within one of my areas of interest (e.g., Musical taste & in-group favouritism; Why do we listen to music?; Musical engagement across the lifspan; Musical preference and musical taste).
Research Students
Name | Thesis title | Completed |
Shannon Skeffington | Music and its uses across the lifespan | Active |
My research is primarily concerned with the social psychology of music; applying well-established theories from mainstream social psychology to better understand music and musical behaviour. In particular, I am interested in the social functions of music and the idea that people might use their musical tastes as a ‘badge’ of identity and group membership.
At present, I am working on several different projects. Currently I am working on a programme of research that aims to further investigate the effects of shared musical tastes on in-group favouritism and to re-examine these effects in the light of the predictions made by social identity theory. I am also developing several different programmes of research to investigate (1) why people listen to music; (2) musical engagement across the lifespan; (3) the possible psychological benefits of choral singing; and (4) developing an integrated theory of musical preference and musical taste.
I am also interested in the application of theoretical frameworks outside of music psychology to study questions with more immediate real-world implications. For example, is it possible to reduce alcohol among undergraduates using brief online interventions? What role do non-intellectual factors play in the academic performance of university students? What do people think about the possible introduction of a minimum pricing policy for alcohol? Is it possible to predict psychological resilience among student social workers?
Research grants and awards
- Lonsdale, A.J. (OCSLD - Brookes Teaching Excellence Fellowship (BTEF) - £4,120). How best to organise a student journal? A feasibility study to explore the practical, ethical, administrative, academic and legal implications of setting up an open-access online journal to publish the work of psychology students studying at Oxford Brookes. Awarded September 2020.
- Lonsdale, A.J. (Oxford Brookes University Teaching and Learning Project (TLP) - £2,200). Predicting academic success at university: How early can you predict the academic performance of undergraduate psychology students? Awarded January 2019.
- Lonsdale, A.J. (Department of Psychology, Health and Professional Development – Research Awards Scheme - £1,250). What factors predict student performance on their undergraduate research project? A multiple cohort study. Awarded October 2018.
- Bunce, L., Childs, J., & Lonsdale, A.J. (Department of Psychology, Social Work & Public Health Research Awards Scheme - £5,000). Building academic success and resilience in social work students using a self-determination theory approach. Awarded November 2016.
- Lonsdale, A.J. (Oxford Brookes University Teaching and Learning Project (TLP) - £1,350). Academic success and non-cognitive factors: What factors predict students’ final-year dissertation grades? Awarded December 2015.
- Davies, E.L, Lonsdale, A.J., & Foxcroft, D.R. (Oxford Brookes University Competitive Funding Call - £15,785). Alcohol related social embarrassment: A pilot trial to explore the feasibility and effectiveness of a novel intervention to reduce alcohol consumption in undergraduates. Awarded May 2015.
Professional information
Memberships of professional bodies
- Advance HE - Fellow
- British Psychological Society - Graduate Membership (GMBPsS)
- Creative Industries Research and Innovation Network (CIRIN)
- Oxford Brookes' Popular Music Research Unit (PMRU)
- The Audience Project (TAP)
- UK Advising and Tutoring Association (UKAT) - Affiliate member