Dr Adam Bibbey
PhD, BSc (Hons)
Lecturer in Sport and Exercise Psychology
School of Sport, Nutrition and Allied Health Professions
I teach on a range of modules across the BSc Sport and Exercise Sciences, and BSc Sport, Coaching and Physical Education degrees. I also supervise a number of MSc project students, am research active, and form part of the ethics committee.
Teaching and supervision
Modules taught
- Introduction to Sport and Exercise Psychology
- Applied Sport and Exercise Psychology
- Advanced Practice in Sport and Exercise Psychology
- Motivating Health Behaviour
- Research Methods
- PhD (Sept 17-current): Alasdair Lane- Stress and Recovery in Professional Football
- MSc by Research (Sept 17-current): Sam Richardson- Is Music an Effective Ergogenic aid to Judo Performance
- MSc by Research (Sept 17-current): Kiran Hanspal - Examining Different Work to Rest Ratios on Sporting Performance and the Potential hHypoalgesic Benefits of HIT
- MSc Dissertation: Caitlin Tinn /Jason Sklenar- New Zealand Blackcurrant Supplementation: Effects on Exercise and Cognition
- MSc Dissertation: John Sturgis/ Stefano Montanari- The Physiological and Psychological Effects of Commercially Available Pre-workout Supplementation
My research focuses upon the main themes of psychophysiology and sport and exercise psychology. I am particularly interested in the impact of stress/recovery and other behavioural factors on health and sporting performance.
My PhD examined the personality and behavioural correlates of extreme stress reactivity, with a particular focus upon individuals who exhibit attenuated stress responses and the associated maladaptive health and behavioural outcomes.
My current research focuses upon the examination of stress, coping and well-being (in football), personality traits, ergogenic effects of music and motivating health behaviour.
Centres and institutes
Further details
ResearchGate: www.researchgate.net/profile/Adam_Bibbey