Dr Rebecca Rose Nocella


Lecturer in Law

School of Law and Social Sciences

Rebecca Rose Nocella


I am a lecturer in law, I teach Computer Law and Artificial Intelligence during the first semester. In the second semester I teach Crime & Society. My research looks at how to enforce sex workers' labour rights in the UK gig economy porn industry.

Teaching and supervision


Modules taught

Computer Law

Artificial Intelligence

Crime & Society


I research on sex workers' labour rights in the gig economy porn industry. I am also interested in the links between humour and the law.

Research impact

My research has the potential to improve the working conditions of many other workers in the gig economy, such as Uber Drivers, Deliveroo drivers and other content creators working via online platforms. My research insights can also support sex workers outside the porn industry working in other sectors of the sex industry.
Insights from my research were presented on the panel "Towards decent work for sex workers" during the International Labour Organisation's 8th Conference of the Regulating for Decent Work Network.


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Professional information

Memberships of professional bodies

Member of the European Sex Work Research Network (ESWORN), and the Labour Law Research Network (LLRN).


I presented ‘Testing the Employment Status of Online Pornography in Times of Crisis: Adult Content Creators as Workers’ at the 8 UN ILO Conference on Regulating for Decent Work in Geneva (Switzerland) on 10th-12th July 2023.

I presented ‘Testing the Status of Online Pornography: Adult Content Creators as Workers’ at the SLS Conference in Derry-Londonderry 4th-6th April 2023, at the SLS Conference in Oxford on June 29th, and at the LLN6 Conference in Warsaw (Poland) on 25th-27th June 2023. I will also participate on a panel with this paper at the ESA RN23 mid-term conference Making a difference: the hope and promise of sexuality studies.

I gave a talk ‘Testing the Employment Status of Online Pornography: Adult Content Creators as Workers’ at the SLS-sponsored Collaborative Workshop for PhD Students and Early Career Researchers in Labour Law, Migration & Asylum, Human Rights, and Public Law (13th July 2022).

I gave a talk ‘Laughing in the Face of the Law: Humour as a Thermostat Activating Social Change for Porn Workers’ at the ISHS 2022 Conference - Funny? Seriously? Seriously! Funny! - Calamity Edition (29th June- 1st July 2022).

I gave a talk 'The Myth of Pocahontas: Reality or Common Imaginary?' at the 5th International Conference on 'Legal Discourse: Context, Media and Social Power', University of Campania, Luigi Vanvitelli (23-26 May 2018)