NMC Competence Test Centre

A test for nurses and midwives who want to register and work in the UK.

About the Test of Competence

Oxford Brookes University offers the objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) of the Nursing Midwifery Council’s (NMC) Test of Competence for nurses and midwives who want to register and work in the UK.

In order to book your OSCE, you must be in receipt of confirmation from the NMC you are eligible to sit the Test of Competence. 

The NMC will notify you of your eligibility to take the OSCE and provide you with a candidate number.

Members of staff stood outside the test centre

Virtual tour


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“I wanted to let you know that despite the experience being internally stressful, your staff succeeded in decresing my stress level with their encouragement, friendliness and kindness.”

“May I use this opportunity to appreciate your professionalism and the way the entire OSCE process was conducted. Never at any point did I feel unsupported and the environment was made conducive.”

“This is just a quick note to say thank you for your kindness and it doesn't go unnoticed. I was so anxioue and stressed last time I was here and your pep talk really helped. Thank you for being so kind. It is nice to be nice.”

“The approach of the OSCE team was well organised, professional and supportive.”

“Conducive and warm waiting area, relaxed environment throughout the exam.”

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Candidates in Swindon

Contact us

NMC Competence Test Centre (individual enquiries)

Email ctc@brookes.ac.uk

NMC Competence Test Centre (group enquiries)

Email trustbookings@brookes.ac.uk

OSCE Train the Trainer

Email nmc_TTT@brookes.ac.uk