Course resource help for Photography

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Need help? Contact your librarian

Please get in touch if you have any queries about:

  • finding information and resources for assignments
  • finding online resources
  • referencing your sources

Saffron Shore



Training sessions

Specific training sessions for Photography students are arranged with academic staff and incorporated into modules. Details of these will be given to you by the Module Leader.

If you need help with using electronic resources or finding relevant information for assignments and dissertations you are very welcome to make individual appointments with your Academic Liaison Librarian. Please contact us via email:

In addition, each semester Headington Library runs a variety of training sessions under the following headings:

  • Introduction to EndNote - includes an opportunity to practice
  • Research students and staff training - includes Advanced EndNote training.

The Library also has a number of training video guides on our YouTube channel.

Take a look at the Digital Capabilities for Students course (on Moodle) to try out some new digital tools to improve your work.