Children’s Emergency Care

Credit bearing module

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Key facts

Course code


Start dates

January 2024

Application deadline

1 January (for a January start).

Course length

Part time: One semester

Academic level


Academic credits


This course is not available to students classed as International for fees purposes.


This single level 7 practice module in Children’s Emergency Care will provide you with in-depth knowledge and understanding in relation to providing care to a child in an emergency environment. Theoretical sessions combining lectures, seminars and practical sessions will enable development of skills in critical exploration of key theories and themes. Consolidation of knowledge will be achieved on the practical environment and with completion of practice competencies.

You will be required to identify a practice supervisor, and will need to complete a minimum of 70 practice hours in a children's emergency clinical environment with your practice supervisor.

Healthcare professional caring for child patient

How to apply

Entry requirements

You must be a qualified health care professional and have access to a Children’s Emergency Department setting that will enable achievement of the learning outcomes, and will require a practice supervisor.

Terms and Conditions of Enrolment

When you accept our offer, you agree to the Terms and Conditions of Enrolment. You should therefore read those conditions before accepting the offer.

Application process

Apply through our Moodle Portal.

If you wish to take this as a standalone module then you can apply to be a postgraduate associate student using our online application portal. You will need to register for the portal prior to proceeding with an application.

Tuition fees

Please see the fees note
2024 / 25
CPD Home (UK) part time
£1,000 per module if taken as a standalone module or £1,155 per module if taken as part of an award bearing course

Questions about fees?

Contact Student Finance on:

Tuition fees

2024 / 25
CPD Home (UK) part time
£1,000 per module if taken as a standalone module or £1,155 per module if taken as part of an award bearing course

Questions about fees?

Contact Student Finance on:

+44 (0)1865 534400

Fees quoted are for the first year only. If you are studying a course that lasts longer than one year your fees will increase each year.

How and when to pay

Tuition fee instalments for the semester are due by the Monday of week 1 of each semester. Students are not liable for full fees for that semester if they leave before week 4. If the leaving date is after week 4, full fees for the semester are payable.

  • For information on payment methods, please see our Make a Payment page.
  • For information about refunds, please visit our Refund policy page

Financial support and scholarships

For general sources of financial support, see our Fees and funding pages.

Additional costs

Please be aware that some courses will involve some additional costs that are not covered by your fees. Specific additional costs for this course are detailed below.

Learning and assessment

The teaching, learning and assessment strategy of the module reflects its student centred, patient-centred and practice-focused approach. The module has an appropriate division between structured learning activities and private study. Teaching methods employed will include the flipped classroom approach, problem based learning and clinical scenario seminars. All of the learning methods to be used will engage the student in both academic and practice learning

You will be assessed 100% through coursework.

Healthcare professional caring for child patient

Learning and teaching

The teaching sessions will incorporate the anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology related to care to a child in an emergency environment and the common conditions that present. 


  • Paediatric triage and early warning scores
  • Introduction to Assessment and responses in the sick child
  • Importance of play
  • Specialist care for specific groups, neonates, infants, adolescents and children with disabilities
  • Family centred care
  • Preparation for invasive procedures, surgical emergencies
  • Neurological emergencies
  • Management of pain
  • Common childhood illness
  • Assessment of the child with a rash
  • Asthma, Bronchiolitis
  • Child protection
  • Trauma Management
  • Bereavement and sudden infant death
  • Management of Minor and Major Traumatic injuries in children
  • Life support revision, management of the choking child, insertion of interosseous needles and cardiac arrest management in the paediatric population


Assessment methods used on this course

100% course work. 

  1. Case study essay addressing a topic associated with the learning outcomes and content of the module (100%)
  2. Learning Contract (pass/fail)

Programme changes:
On rare occasions we may need to make changes to our course programmes after they have been published on the website. For more information, please visit our changes to programmes page.