Igniting the first Research in Marketing seminar: New ways of thinking

The Marketing subject group recently held a very successful inaugural research seminar, the first of a new regular series, with insightful presentations by our own Dr Faten Jaber and the well known Professor Emerita Susan Rose from Henley Business School.
Both spoke about their recently published journal articles which foregrounded new ways of thinking about research topics in Marketing.
The Marketing subject group recently held a very successful inaugural research seminar, the first of a new regular series, with insightful presentations by our own Dr Faten Jaber and the well known Professor Emerita Susan Rose from Henley Business School. Both spoke about their recently published journal articles which foregrounded new ways of thinking about research topics in Marketing. Faten spoke about her paper with Muneer Abbad ‘Big data and Firm performance: an outside in approach’ published in the Journal of Computer Information Systems, which investigated how big data analytics linked to CRM could be used to measure firm performance in a more holistic way. In her presentation Faten identified the need for firms to reconsider marketing as a strategic resource, and made clear the value that could be provided to firms by increasing the interaction between big data analytics and CRM.
Susan Rose then outlined the insight gained from her collaborative project published this year in Industrial Marketing Management, ‘Sharing is the name of the game: exploring the role of social media communication practices on B2B customer relationships in the life sciences industry’. Like Faten, Susan took an assumption and revisited it, this time concerning the use of social media by B2B firms in their relationships. Building communities, co-creating value and sharing knowledge as part of ‘benevolence’ were all highlighted in her research as core activities enacted through a social media platform.
Thought provoking questions were raised by the highly engaged audience of Marketing researchers, and research students and the next in the series is eagerly awaited. The Research office will be sending out dates and sign up information and although all the seminars will have a Marketing focus they are open to all who would like to sign up. Thanks to Dr Faten Jaber and Dr Sarah Quinton for initiating the idea and to Dr Sarah Mitchell for organising and manging the list of speakers. For further information about the series please email either Sarah Mitchell smitchell@brookes.ac.uk or Sarah Quinton sequinton@brookes.ac.uk.