OxHRF: Resilience in Crisis | OiSD x CENDEP Seminar
The seminar talk will highlight work and findings of CENDEP research team on themes such as ‘inclusive and resilient response’; and ‘refugee protection and human rights’ in crisis contexts.
Crisis settings include places of conflict, those affected by natural hazards and disasters, places from where people are displaced and seek protection elsewhere. CENDEP works with communities affected by crisis, and its research is about understanding these contexts and what can be done to further the rights and resilience of those affected. The seminar talk will highlight work and findings of CENDEP research team on themes such as ‘inclusive and resilient response’; ‘refugee protection and human rights’; ‘conflict and humanitarianism’ and ‘homes and communities’ in crisis contexts.
The talk will be delivered by Supriya Akerkar, CENDEP Director; Farah Mihlar; lead for Human Rights; Zoe Jordan, lead for Refugee Protection; Brigitte Piquard, lead for conflict and resilience; and Charles Parrrack, lead for Shelter and Homes in crisis.
The talk will be delivered by Supriya Akerkar, CENDEP Director; Farah Mihlar; lead for Human Rights; Zoe Jordan, lead for Refugee Protection; Brigitte Piquard, lead for conflict and resilience; and Charles Parrrack, lead for Shelter and Homes in crisis.