Becoming adult on the move
Join us for a thought-provoking talk by Professor Nando Sigona on the transitions to adulthood of unaccompanied migrant minors in a hostile environment.
Migration regimes often fail to protect the ‘best interests’ of unaccompanied migrant children in transition to adulthood. Why is this the case? Drawing from the findings of the ESRC-funded Becoming Adult project, the lecture addresses the misalignment between young people’s wellbeing and conceptualisations of their futures and the immigration and social care policies governing their lives.
The talk will be given by our Guest Lecturer, Nando Sigona, Professor of International Migration and Forced Displacement, Director of the Institute for Research into Superdiversity, University of Birmingham.
This Jean Monnet Lecture is organised by the Migration and Refugee Studies Research Network and is funded by the Jean Monnet Programme of the European Commission.
No booking is required.