Our logo


Our logo should appear in Oxford Brookes Charcoal, reversed out in white or black for black and white material.

Oxford Brookes University logo

Exclusion zone

A minimum distance has been allowed between the logo and other graphic elements, such as typography and margins.

The logo must not be reproduced smaller than 7mm high.

Logo exclusion zone

Logo placement and positioning

Our logo should appear 'centre stage' where visibility is at its clearest, using the white version on dark backgrounds and the charcoal version on light backgrounds to ensure maximum visibility.

The primary position for our logo is to the top right or top left of our communications and it should sit within the margins of the document. For example on our website and brochure covers.

Our logo may also be placed in the centre either below or above the headline text but only if centred text is used. For example our prospectus and mini guide.

Our logo should only be placed at the bottom of a document if we are in a supporting role with other institutions and businesses.

To request access to our logo files, or if you have any questions, please contact the Creative Team.