Dr Abbas Ziafati Bafarasat

AD (Law) BSc (Geography) MA (City & Regional Planning) PhD (Planning & Landscape)

Senior Lecturer in Town Planning and Subject Coordinator of the Certificate in Spatial Planning Studies

School of the Built Environment


Abbas Ziafati Bafarasat is a Senior Lecturer in Town Planning and Subject Coordinator of the Certificate in Spatial Planning Studies. He has academic qualifications in Law, Geography and Planning.

Abbas completed his PhD in Planning & Landscape at the University of Manchester, UK (2015). He undertook Postdoctoral studies at TU Dortmund, Germany.

He has worked in five national contexts and supervised master's theses and doctoral dissertations to successful completion. Before joining academia, Abbas worked for several years in private practice.

Teaching and supervision


Modules taught

Module leadership:

  • PLAN4013: Housing Matters
  • PLAN5008: Mediating Change: Governance, Politics and Social Actors

Lecture and teaching contributions:

  • ESTM4002: Introduction to Spatial Planning
  • PLAN5009: Plan and Policy Making
  • PLAN6003: Strategic Planning and Policy


Abbas has supervised to successful completion and externally examined Master's and Doctorate students. He is open to being contacted by potential candidates who are interested in undertaking research relating to:

  • strategic urban design
  • governance and community organizing
  • urban water management
  • urban health.


Abbas has:

  • an interdisciplinary research interest in strategies to achieve healthy and sustainable cities
  • introduced - for the first time - a framework of ‘strategic urban design’ to build sustainable cities by low-cost, small multi-projects
  • proposed - for the first time – ‘behavioral’ sustainability indicators (e.g. number of internet searches about water sustainability, number of followers of social media forums about water sustainability, number of parliamentary sessions about sustainable water management) and statistical analysis of their longitudinal dynamics for water sustainability monitoring
  • led international research to identify healthy city indicators and systematic measures to achieve a healthy city
  • led a study about social sustainability that identified start-it-yourself urbanism as an evolution of do-it-yourself urbanism.

Research impact

Abbas has published in top international journals, such as the Journal of Environmental Management, Sustainable Development, Cities, Journal of Planning Literature, Land Use Policy, Futures, Environment and Planning C, European Planning Studies, Geoforum, and Journal of Urban Health.


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